it's time...

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Your Pov
We managed to sit though the 'family' lunch and went home. At home I was talking to Levi in his room when I got a message.

On phone
Mikasa: everyone online?
Eren: Yeah
Christa: yes
Annie: yup
Bertholt: sure
Mikasa: great f/n you there
F/n: yer
Armin: f/n could you add Levi to the group
Eren: none of us have his number
F/n: sure
                            *added Levi Ackerman
Mikasa: cuz you there
Levi: what brat
Mikasa: good...they know
F/n:...know what
Levi: the fuck

ren: it's okay
F/n: what
Armin: we understand
Christa: yeah we surport you!
Bertholt: as long as your happy
F/n: thanks guys
Mikasa: see
Annie: you should have just told us
Christa: yeah we will always be here for you
Levi: that sounds stupid
Mikasa: there just being nice you should try it XD
Levi: Tch whatever
F/n: he is when you are close to him
Eren: yeah to you ;)
F/n: wow Eren
Levi: I'm not wasting my time being nice on a brat like you
Hanji: Hey everybody!!!
Levi: Tch great four eyes is here.
Hanji: What a nice greeting
Armin: hey Hanji
Mikasa: hey
F/n: got to go
Armin: bye
Christa: goodbye
Mikasa: see ya
Hanji: Already?!!!
Levi: bye brats
Hanji: haha leave when f/n does!
Mikasa: XD

Off phone
I sat on the edge of Levi's bed, and he sat at his desk. We both put our phones down and sighed in relief and annoyance.

"Well it went better than we thought" I smiled as he turned to face me.

"Yeah" he said and came over sitting next to me.

I lent my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

"So it's tomorrow then..." I sighed and tears filled my eyes.

He kissed me on the forehead "yeah, but everthing will be okay"

"Will it though...what will happen to us, we can't go on like this forever" a few tears ran down my checks quietly.

"We ca-" he tried to reasure me but I cut him off. "No Levi. We can't" I cried.

He lifted up my chin to face him, and then he pushed me onto the bed. He was on top of me, he put his hand on my cheek and wiped away the tear slipping from my eye.

"Maybe not but we're going to try, do not give up on me please" a tear fell from his eye.

I was so shocked I was about to say something when he crashed his lips into mine. I melted into his kiss and closed my eyes. I rapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

We kissed until we were forced to pull away. We were both blushing slightly panting, "I love you brat" he smiled and ran his hand through my hair.

"I love you to clean freak" I laughed and kissed him again lightly.

"Levi, f/n dinner!" Maria called from down the stairs.

Levi sighed and kissed me one last time before getting up. We went down stairs and ate dinner, after we did everything we needed to do, we went up stairs. I went it my room got showered, changed and laid down on my bed.

I tried to go to bed but I couldn't because of what tomorrow was. I felt the side of my bed drop down, I looked over my shoulder and saw Levi. He laid down and pulled me close to him and hugged me as we laid silently.

I had my hands on his chest, I closed my eyes and pushed my self even closer to him. His warm body made me tired and I fell asleep almost instantly.

 His warm body made me tired and I fell asleep almost instantly

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I woke up to Levi lightly shaking me. "Hm?" Is all I said as I opened my eyes.

"It's time" he said his eyes full of pain and worry.

"Right" I replied sadly sitting up, he kissed me on the forehead and got up "I'll see you at the wedding, love you".

"Love you to"  I said tiredly getting up and ready.

Levi and my dad was going early and me and Maria are going a bit later.

Everything comes down to this fateful day. The day it all ends, but also were it all begins...

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