father's true self

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"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way into darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."
~Corpse Bride
Ahh I'm sorry, it's just like the best film ever...

"I...no" Maria says smiling at me and Levi.

The priest got everyone to leave to room so we could descus it. Only me, Levi, Maria and David were in there.

Everyone gasped and started muttering. "But why?!" My dad asked shocked and hurt.

"I'm sorry David, I love you but" she kissed him on the cheek and walked over to us. "These to are ment to be together" she smiled brightly.

My father's eyes widened "w-what do you mean?" He asked confused.

"You can't see it" she smiled "when ever there together there happy, I've never seen Levi smile before, until now. I can't take this away from them. I'm sorry, I love you but these two..." she looked at up again she got to her knees "thank you f/n" she cried.

I was taken back "I'm s-so s-sorry" I wisper trying not to cry.

"Don't be" she looks up at me "you've made my boy happy, that's all I've ever wanted" she smiled deeply then looked at Levi and hugged him.

Levi hugged her back "mum? I..."

I frowned as my father came over to me with and anger expression. I stepped back slightly, and he got closer I flinched before anything even heppened waiting to get slapped like I normally do... but nothing happened.

I opened my eyes and saw Maria in front of me, she got slapped instead.

She held her cheek and Levi embraced me. "Just leave" she ordered to him but he ignored her.

He pushed past her and grabbed my wrist pulling me out of the whole center and into the car, all the way home. "Get dressed and get back down here, fast!" He instructed and I did exactly that.

I just wore jeans and a jumper and walked into the living room were he was. He pointed to the ground in front of him and I slowly approached it.

"Dad, please don-" I tried to beg him when I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. He slapped me then kicked my leg making me fall to the floor in pain. "I'm sorry" I cried.

He picked me up by my hair "you are not my daughter" he claimed and kicked me again making me hit my head really hard on a shelf.

I fell to my knees and touched my stinging head at the back. I felt something wet... shaking I moved my hand in front of my and saw blood covering my hand.

Levi's Pov
David grabbed f/n by the wrist and pulled her away. "F/n!" I shouted, we tried to follow her but our friends and family kept trying to get answers.

We pushed through the crowd and saw David pushing f/n into the car pulling away. "They must be going home, come on" My mother said and we began to run down the street.

It did look slightly weird as we were dressed for a wedding and all but we didn't care.

We ran all the way home, I crashed through the locked down and ran into the front room. "F/n?!" I shouted. I saw her sitting on the ground with her hand in front of her. Covered in blood, fresh blood. The back of her head, on her beautiful h/c hair was a huge cut bleeding.

Her dad was just smiling, I dropped to the floor next to her. My mum began to ring the police, but David grabbed her wrist making her drop the phone.

I stood up full of anger and hate and turned towards David and right hooked him to the head. He let go of my mum, she picked up her phone and rang the police and ambulance.

David kneed me in the stomach and I upercutted him. "Can't you see what you just did" I shouted in pain "that's your daughter!"

"That's no daughter of mine" he laughed and kicked me to the floor.
He was about to stamp me on the chest when I dodged it and grabbed his leg making him fall to the floor to, but he got up quickly.

Luckily the police came running in and pinned him to the ground. I crawled over to f/n "f/n, can you hear me. Your going to be okay"

Your Pov
I saw Levi and my father fighting, everything was becoming blurry. I wanted to stop the fight but there was nothing I could do.

Suddenly police came in pinning my father to the ground arresting him. Levi crawled over to me and held up the top half of my weak numb body. I stared at him as he spoke, his voice was slowly becoming more muffled and he was going blury.

I felt warm lips against mine and the last thing I heard was Levi say "don't leave me, stay awake I love you f/n!" He was crying.

Then I was consumed by darkness and silance.

Levi's Pov
F/n closed her eyes and didn't move, I began to panic and shake her slightly. "F/n? Your joking right. Please. F/n?! F/n?!" I shouted.

The ambulance crew came in and took f/n into the ambulance, my mother went to the police station to explain what happened. I went with f/n.

~Le time skip~

The nurse came out "f/n l/n?" She asked I instantly got up from my sitting position on the filthy floor huddled up to my knees.

"She is alive, it's a miracle. The injury she gained to her head caused her to lose a lot of blood, but she's recovering she's currently sleeping. You may see her" the nurse bows her head.

"Thank you miss" I sigh in relief "if I may ask, how long will she have to spend in here"

"We believe three days, or it will be five maximum. If everything goes according to plan that is" the nurse replys.

"thank you again ma'am" I walk into the room and sit down by the bed. I grab her hand and cry lightly "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you" I wispered...

Hope you enjoyed
1087 words!!
Love ya all

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