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We arrived at the house and my dad told us were going out for dinner.
We both went up stairs, I got changed into something 'nice'.

"F/n, would you mind coming in here for a moment?" Maria called me from her and my father's room.

"Yeah what's wrong?" I asked walking in.

"How do I look?" She asked showing me her outfit. She was wearing a red long dress with heels.

"You look beautiful Maria!" I smile.

"I love how I can finally ask someone that, I've never had a daughter until now for corse!" She laughed and smiled widely.

"Wait...is Levi not your only child?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, I guess I've never mentioned it Levi has a twin!" She said fixing her hair.

"A twin!?" I said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, there are unidentical, in fact they look like they aren't even in the same family" she laughed.

"W-what's his name?" I questioned.

"Ewrin. Ewrin Ackerman." She replied finishing.

"Come on let's go!" My dad shouts excitedly.

We walk out of her room and down stairs "you'll have to meet him sometime, but him and Levi don't really get along."

"Yes" I said looking at Levi and my father waiting for us.

We all got into the car, me and Levi in the back seat. My dad started driving and there was a minuet silance before my father looked back at us "you two, do try get along tonight. Okay?"

'Tch' Levi replied until my father turned his head back around, and Levi winked at me and smirked. I smiled in reply.

When we arrived it was a really fancy restaurant. I felt out of place massively, mostly because what I was wear was leggings and a hoodie.

We sat down, ordered our food. Maria and my father spoke to each other.

'They seem to busy to pay attention to us anyway. So I'm just going to speak to Levi.'

"Hey, I heard you had a twin brother! idiot. Why did you never tell me?"

"Oh, did my mum tell you?" He asked.

"Yeah she said he's called Erw-"

"Stop! Please don't say his name"

"What, why? D-do you really hate him that much?"

He nodded and sat up.

"I want him dead" Levi said seriously

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"I want him dead" Levi said seriously.

"Huh, oh. I, I'm sorry for mentioning it" I looked down.

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now