(story 2)-C3 Ending...

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I realised that this book never really got an ending... so I hope this chapter makes up for that if anyone is even still reading... sorry it's shit I tried I guess

It had been a few years since then me and levi where out of school now and we both had jobs. He had his own buisness and I was on my way to becoming a (favorite job)

"How is everything? Is Levi treating you right. Oh of corse he is he's head over heal for you" Maria laughed down the phone and me and Levi were in our new house. We recently moved in together.

"It's all perfect" I smiled.

Levi sighed and held out his hand I handed him the phone and he put it up to his ear "everything's fine mum now me and this brat are busy talk to you later" he said and hung up.

I just laughed and we continued to unpack...

(Time skip)

"F/n will you marry me" Levi said smiling but clearly nervous.

"W-what!" I shouted in shock.

"Tch, So is that a no or" he asked awkwardly furrow in his eyebrows.

"No! I mean yes! Of corse I'll marry you!" I said excited as tears streamed down my face.

"Good, don't do that you scared me" he sighed but smiled.

I pulled him into a tight hug and he slipped the beautiful ring on my finger.

(Time skip)

We got married and later found out I was pregnant. I was extremely lnervous when telling Levi but he was actually really happy when I finally did tell him, so I was glad. While carrying the baby Levi was constantly worried for me, not letting me carry stuth and he always kept his eye on me. I found it sweet of him.

I gave birth to a little boy who we named (any name). And we lived together as a happy family...

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