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Around lunchtime I got ready and was about to head out the door.

"Oi brat" I turned around to see Levi "Where you going"

"To my friends, why does it matter to you"

"Are you asking for a death wish, brat" he sad coldly.

"Go ahead" I said staring right into his sliver cold eyes. Then walked out the door, closing it behind me.

I went over to Mikasa's house

'Knock' 'knock"

Her mum opened the door, "hey f/n, come in"

"Thanks" I smiled

"Hey f/n, Mikasa told me my sister and your father are dating"

"Yes" I said nodding

"I'm so glad so that means your like Mikasa's step-cousin now" she laughed and I get to be your step-auntie.

I smiled ever since my mother pasted Rose, Mikasa's mum has always treated me as her child.

"Mikasa, are you ready?" Rose shouted up the stairs.

Mikasa apeared around the corner, fixing her hair with a hair band in her mouth. She took it out and put up her hair "Let's go!" She said.


We started to walk to my house. "Hey f/n, would you mind if we walked to school together?"

"Sure, I'll come to your house so then I have an excuse to leave earlier."

"Thanks" she smiled

"Why anyway, isn't your dad talking you in the car anymore?"

"No he got a new job and doesn't go that way anymore"

"Oh really that's fine then."

We was talking until we reached the house. I opened the door and we went in, we took of our shoes.

"Hey dad, Maria we're here"

Maria walked in the hall to say hi, her eyes widened "Mikasa, your f/n's best friend I've heard so much about?" She laughed.

Mikasa burst out laughing and I smiled "that expression was priceless antie!" Mikasa giggled and Maria's dumbfounded face.

"What's all this noise?" Levi came in saying anoyged.
He's eyes widened slightly "great the other brat" he said staring.

"As happy and nice as ever Levi" Mikasa laughed.

'Tch' he replies and rolls his eyes.

"Come on Mika" I said and started to walk upstairs.

Levi glares at us both and walks in the front room.

We go in my room, and she puts her bag down.
"Hey f/n, can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Have y-...have you ever feel in love?"

I think I know where this going.
I blush slightly thinking of Levi and how I use to be in love with him. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Well, if you haven't noticed, I-i like Eren" she says smiling slightly.

I smile "so why don't you just tell him?"

"Just tell him, Are you serious!?" She yells quietly.


"Are you sure you've been in love, that's way to scary"

"Oh Mika I'm sure, It's just I regected not telling him after"
I don't regret it now that would have just made this whole situation ten time alkwarder.

"Yeah, i guess your right"

"Don't worry, I'll help you think of something."

We spoke about random things until she fell asleep. She slept in my bed and I was going to 'sleep' on a made up bed on the floor.

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now