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I woke up in bed, I rubbed my eye and felt Levi's hands around my waist. I smiled and tried to leave but as if he knew he pulled me closer and tighter.

I smiled as he wispered "where do you think your going" in my ear.

I giggled and replied "oh so you are awake?" And there was silence until he muttered "maybe"

I put my hands on his the were firmly around my waist. "what's the time?" Levi said tired, I reached my phone just grabbing it.

"6:45" I said back showing him the screen.

"Oi, whys that your home screen?" He asked sounding a little amused and annoyed.

"Er. Well I um... love you~" I laughed. My home screen was a ransom picture of Levi I managed to find.

He sighed and kissed my fore head, "come on we should get ready for school" I nodded and he let go of me. I went to my wardrobe, had a really quick shower and changed before heading downstairs.

Levi was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea, Maria went to work and Erwin was in the kitchen. I went over to Levi and he handed me a spare cup of tea of the table that he made and smiled "thank you"

Levi handed me a folded piece of paper "read this, from Maria" he sighed.

Levi, F/n,
Erwin will be attending your school from today. Please show him the way and stuth.
Love you all!!!

I sighed silently and put the paper on the table "great" I muttered and Levi held back a small laugh.

I stood up and got the rest of my stuth ready before going back to the living room. I stood next to Levi sitting on the sofa when Erwin walked in.

With out any warning Levi stood up grabbing my collar and pulling me towards him.

With out any warning Levi stood up grabbing my collar and pulling me towards him

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He granted me with a long kiss and smiled after.

I giggled and said "not that I'm complaining but, what was that for?"

He frowned "just marking what's mine" he said seriously as he glared at Erwin.

I nodded with a smile and pecked his cheek. "let's go then" I smiled and began to walk towards the door with Levi.

We put on our shoes and walked out Erwin followed us. "Isn't school that way" Erwin said sarcastically pointing down the road.

"If you know where it is go" Levi replied blankly looking forward.

When we got to Mikasa's we waited for her and she came out. "Hey F/n, Levi. Oh, and...?"

Me and Levi glanced at each other in silance, he looked down so I grabbed his hand and held it. Levi squeezed my hand and said "A cunt" nothing more nothing less.

Mikasa was going to burst out laughing until she looked at Erwin and held in back "what is your name?" She asked directly.

"I'm Erwin, you?"

"Mikasa..." she said back and there was an awkward silence until me and Levi began walking.

"Hey were you going?!" Mikasa said and ran catching up. Same with Erwin shorty behind.

He stood next to me so Levi pulled me slightly closer to him. Erwin sighed silently and spoke "So I heard I'll be in the same class' as you"

"That's good then" I said with no expression.

When we reached school we went to our group of friends. "Yay your finally here!" Sasha yelled.

Hanji pretended to hide behind me and shouted "Man eating beast!" While pointing to Erwin.

Erwin smiled and waved "I'm Erwin, I'm Levi's brother"

"Shorty has a brother!" Hanji exclaimed.

"B-But you seem n-nice!" Eren stepped back in shock and wispered the word nice covering his mouth the side Levi and I stood.

Erwin chuckled and Levi clicked his tongue. Then bell went and we began to walk to lesson when someone grabbed my shoulder, I turned around and saw Erwin.

He was about to saw something when I was pulled by Levi, we went to lesson and sat down.

~after lesson~

After lesson Levi waited for me, we went to our normal group of friends and Erwin joined. He kept standing by me and Levi got angry "can we go?" He wispered to me and I nodded.

We went on the field and sat under a tree.
"He's starting to get on my fucking nerves" Levi said angrily.

I put my head on his shoulder and sighed "I know but there's not much we can do"

He put his arm around me "I could kick his fat ass to death" he muttered gritting his teeth.

I giggled and held his hand the one wrapped around me "I don't think that's a good idea"

"Right, but I'll still imagine it"

"I know you will" I smiled and we chatted until the bell went again.


Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now