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Me and Levi started walking to school with our heads down.

"Hey Levi, if you don't mind me asking why is your brother such a bad guy. Did he do something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

Levi sighed and looked into my e/c eyes "well...Erwin was always the special child to my father just because he was born a few minuets before me, my father and him did everything together. My father was a horrible man, he abused my mother and was in with some dark jobs. One day, when I was young, he abused my mother to the point of nearly killing her. She would have died if my uncle, Kenny didn't come 'to visit' that day. I remember my brother was just standing there laughing. He began to kick her to, it made me furious but all I could do is lay in pain on the floor from my father who had kicked me. That night my mother forgave him, but he had sent some men to rape and kill her." Levi was clenching his fists.

"Levi I-i never knew, is there anything I can do?" I asked with pain in my voice and I held his hand.

"N-no it's alright" he replied.

"So you managed to excape?" I said quitly.

"Hardly, we got to Kenny. He helped me and my mother and we quickly scratched up all the money we had and got away from that filthy town" he said squeezing my hand.

"That's good to hear, have you seen him since then?" I questioned frowning.

"Luckily I haven't seen either of them, I may not have been able to beat them then, but I definitely can beat their ass now!" He snapped.

"I know you could" I smiled slightly as we reached Mikasa's house.

Just before I was about to knock "F/n" Levi calls me.

"What's wrong?"

"Could you stay with me today?" He sighs and smiles slightly.

"Of corse" I reply and knock on the door, before walking back to Levi.

Mikasa opens it and walks out "Hey guys!" She looked at us and said "Are you both okay?"

I shake my head as tears began to build up slowly. Mikasa came up to me and hugged me gently.

"Levi did you do something?" She mutters.

Levi doesn't fire back an isult, which tells Mikasa Imediatly that it wasn't him. We began to walk and she sighs "please f/n, Levi I'm worried what's wrong?"

Levi sighs and then clenched his fist the one that is not holding my hand. "Our so called 'parents' are..." he sighed again "there getting married for fuck sack!" He snapped.

"w-what!?" Mikasa yells.

"Keep your voice down" I tell her

"Oh. F/n I'm so sorry" she says hugging my arm as we walk.

We finally walk into the school Levi and my head is both held down. "Yo Levi!" His friends shout but he ignores them.

"Hey f/n, are you going to go over to our group?" Mikasa asks. I think she has guessed the answer but wants to make sure.

I shake my head "no, but you can go over there if you want" I smile to reasure her.

"Alright, thanks she says" and begins to walk away "please take care of her Levi" she wispers while passing him. He nods his head and we walk into the building. We go to a random corridor and lean against a wall and talk until we have to go to lesson.

Levi walks me to class and heads of to his "text me if you needa talk, alright?" He says waving. "I will" I say walking in.

(Time skip:lunch)
Me and Levi meet up at the stairs and walk into the hall together both looking down. As soon as we go in wispers set of from the tables next to us.

Good and bad wispers were clearly heard like:
"She doesn't diserve him"
"Are they a couple that's adorable!"

But me and Levi couldn't care less and walked passed them all and went to sit out side under a tree on a bench.

Readers Pov-your friends.
"Hey f/n, yo-" Eren was about to yell but Mikasa cut him off. Everyone looked at F/n and Levi's expression when they walked passed.

"Is she alright?" Bertholdt asked worriedly.

Mikasa: "She will be fine, she just needs some time to think"

Armin: "I hope she's okay"

Bertholdt: "That pip-squeek better not have hurt her!"

Riener: "hey man! You alright, this is anything like you man?!"

Annie: "yes, you couldn't even hurt a fly"

Christa: "but just look at how cute they both look together.

Ymir: "we also look cute together Christa. How do you say we get married huh?!"

Hanji: "I've got an idea, I'll go cheer her up. I have the power of science on my side!"

Mikasa: "No stop. That's not what she needs."

Eren: "Hey, then d-do you know what's going on with them?"

Mikasa: "yeah, but I'm afraid that is the last thing I can tell you"

Hanji: "don't worry everyone I'll get the truth out of her!" Starts to tickle her with a fether, laughing herself.

Mikasa: "That's not going to work."

Eld: "Hey you guys!"
Riener: "huh? Your the guys that hang out with Levi right?"
Oulo: "yes only the best!"
Gunther: "ignore him. So you hang out with that girl Levi's with right?"
Annie: "yes"
Petra: "Well why is she with my Levi?!"
Mikasa: "your you want to restructure that sentence?"
Petra: "oh, um well."
Eld: "that doesn't matter right now do you know what's wrong with them?"
Bertholdt: "unfortunately we really have no clue"
Oulo: "what do you expect there a year below us there not going to know more than someone like me!"
Gunther: "thanks anyway.

They leave.
Armin: "now that i think about it. f/n has seemed a lot happier ever since Levi showed up!"
Mikasa: "she is much happier now"...

To be continued

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now