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Your Pov
I opened my eyes 'ow why do I have such a massive headache...oh yeah my father. He...'

"F/n!?" A lovely familiar deep voice said.

I looked over "levi" I smiled.

He hugged me tightly and began to cry. "Thank God your okay!"

"Of corse I am" I laughed.

"I'm so sorry!" He said sitting back down.

"What for?" I said supprised.

"I couldn't protect you and, your father..." Levi clenched his fist.

"No I should be thanking you, you did protect me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!" I reassured him smiling softly and thankfully.

He just looked down "you should eat, I'll go get you something" he said getting up and leaving the room.

He came back with a bowl of soap, he sat down and put some soap on the soon, then putting it up to me.

I was now sitting up. "Wha" I said blushing.

"Your to weak to eat by yourself" he smirked.

I sighed and ate of the spoon, after it was finished Levi put the bowl to the side. "So where is my father now" I asked curiously playing with my fingers.

"He's. He's down at the police station with my mother" he said.

"She didn't get hurt did she!" I almost yelled accidently then holding my head from the loud pain.

"No she's alright, just worried about you" he smiled at my worry towards her. "Anyway you should get some rest" he said stroking my hair on the top of my head.

I smile and lay down closing my eyes drifting to sleep, while holding his hand.


I woke up for the second day in the hospital to shouting. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, only to be tackled back down.

"Mikasa?" I asked as she hung to me.

"F/n! Your okay, levi told me everything and I ran down hear straight away!" She cried into my shoulder.

I hugged her back and looked around Mikasa, Levi, Hanji, Eren, Armin, Christa, Ymir, Sasha and Maria were all in the room.

I stared at Maria and instantly looked down. Mikasa let go and Maria came over "none of it was your fault f/n" she smiled.

I nodded and held Levi's hand, he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "F/n don't worry we have the power of science you'll be better in no time!" Hanji shouted making my head hurt.

"Shut up four eyes, your hurting f/n's head!" Levi glared at her.

"Levi Ackerman!" Maria said to him before looking to Hanji "does he always talk like that to you honey I'm sorry" she appolagised before glaring at Levi.

Hanji stuck her tongue out at Levi and I laughed at her.

"How long are you going to be in here for f/n?" Christa asks smiling.

"Um, only a couple of days" I replied

"So your going to miss some of school" Armin asked.

"Yeah. I think so" I say.

"Does that mean your not going to come in Levi" Eren asked.

He nodded and squeezed my hand.

"I'm glad your alright but do you know what will make you even better?" Sasha smiled with a widened mouth.

"Food?" I rolled my eyes laughing slightly.

"How did you know?" She asked genuinely looking confused, which made everyone laugh.

"You and your food" Mikasa laughed shaking her head.

Sasha just pouted and pulled a potato slowly out of her pocket and biting into it.

I smiled and then a nurse came in "I'm sorry but visiting time is over now" she smiled and bowed.

Everyone sighed and left except for Hanji "why does Levi get to stay here then!" She asked the nurse.

The nurse sighed and sweat dropped a little "we...we can't get him to leave" she confessed.

Hanji grinned and started to approach Levi with her arms out looking like a zombie. Levi rolled his eyes and when she was in reach he kicked her back towards the door. "Goodbye freak" he said closing the door.

~time skip~

I was aloud to leave the hospital now. I still had to have a bandage on my head to keep all the sticking and stuth in place.

Maria sorted out all the paperwork and was given pain killers just in case I needed them. She drove us home, me and Levi both sat in the back.

We went in side and sat on the sofa.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it but how long has this relationship been going on for?" Maria asked us both.

"Nearly the whole time" Levi said looking at me smirking slightly.

"Wow, you kept it a secret that long!" Maria laughed "how didn't I notice sooner?!"

"...yeah about that. How did you find out?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"Well" Maria rubbed the back of her neck "it was kinda a guess" she chuckled.

"A guess!" Levi raised his voice in surprise.

"Yeah" Maria smiled "well by your actions, mostly Levi's to be honest. He's never acted this was before more happy then usual. I mean he did ack like this when he was young, but that kind of changed when he moved school" She told us.

'When he moved school, does she mean that it was because me and him stopped talking'

After around and hour or two of talking there was a knock at the door. "Hello you must be Mrs Ackerman, am I correct?" A tall smart looking man said.

"Yes I am please come in" she gestured him in.

He walked into the living room looking around before standing in front of me "Hello miss, f/n am I correct" he put out his hand to shake mine.

I didn't want to shake his hand but I didn't want to be rude, I hesitatedly went to shake his hand. Levi moved my wrist down gently before I could "and you are?" He asked the man coldly.

'Awww, is he being protective how cute!'

"Yes right I'm sorry for not introducing myself I'm Justin Davidson, my job is to help children who haven't got parents" he bowed.

"So why are you here?" Levi questioned him again holding my hand.

"Because Mrs Ackerman called me she wants to take responsibility for f/n l/n. And become her gardien." The man said handing me comformation papers.

I looked and Maria with my mouth open "However you are at the age to make your own decision, if you choose to dein her request then I will take you to a care home. We will then get you sorted with a ne-" he was then cut of by Levi.

"She isn't going anywhere you hear me" He almost yelled.

"Very well" he smiled lightly.

We went though the paperwork and I then legally became the responsibility of Maria...
Or is it
I'm having a brake from this book. I WILL be coming back to it to write more though. I have a lot of ideas.

If I don't continue with this there will be a second book

Hope you enjoyed
1168 words!!
Love ya all

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