Anger, Love, Regret

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him and i hugged until i pushed softly against his muscley chest. "We should get back home, it's getting late"

He sighs and tooks me by the hand walking home together.

Then he looked at me with a curious glare.

Then he looked at me with a curious glare

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"Who was that boy you were with"

I looked up to him and replied "That was Armin we made a plan to get Mikasa and Eren into a relationship." I yawn.

"Oh, well that's good then" he said with a small laugh and sigh of relief.

I tilted my head slightly.

"I thought you liked him, I kinda got jealous when you went out to met boys and when you laughed with him" Levi pouted looking forward.

I laughed and lent my head head on his should "there's no reason for you to get jealous, I loved you since the day I met you" I confessed.

He blushed and placed his arm around my shoulder "I wish I knew back then, I fell in love with you to when we was kids"

I blushed and covered my face with my hands. He laughed "adorable" he quickly muttered under his breath.

There was a minuet silance before Levi said "I am going to kill that brat though." He said angrily, and staring forward coldly.

" He said angrily, and staring forward coldly

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"W-who and why?" I asked worried.

"Eren" he stately claimed.

"Levi please don't, it was my idea in the first place. That means this is all my fault" I looked down.

He sighed "don't blame yourself you didn't know it was gunna happen. Let's just get home and dry."

We reached the house and went inside drenched.

Maria and my father ran up to us and hugged us both at the same time (group hug style) me and Levi looked at each other smiling slightly, then frowning.

They pulled away "Were have you been f/n!" My father shouted at me.

"I-i was-" I tried to tell him.

"Stop trying to make excuses, get upstairs now!" He yelled.

I looked down all was about to go up stairs when a gentle hand grabbed my wrist "L-Levi?!"

Levi stopped me and shouted "Why dont you listen to your daughter for once! F/n nearly died for fuck sake!"

My eyes widened and filled with tears. "...Levi"

My dad and Maria stared shocked Levi had never shouted before or supported me. They thought we hated each other.

My dad looked at me "f-f/n I um".
I didn't look at him and except looked at Levi. He nodded and went up stairs still holding my wrist...

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now