Friends know...

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(Time skip:back home after shopping)
We opened the door and went in with the shopping bags. Maria and I took the clothes up stairs and came back down, just in time.

Levi and my dad came in, of corse Levi looked pissed off. Maria went into the kitchen and David went up stairs with his stuth.

"How'd it go" I asked walking up to Levi.

He rubbed the back of his neck "alright, I guess" he replied.

I laughed slightly "did he annoy you"

"Yeah, he never stopped talking" he said looking towards the stairs.

I laughed "he does that alot"

"Yeah...what about you, with my mum" he asked as we went in the front room.

"She's nothing like you" I laughed "she's so energetic!"

He smiled slightly and nodded.

(Time skip: day before the wedding)
Maria wanted to go out as 'a family' so we are all going to lunch ,at a ramen shop.

David opened the door and we all walked in.

"Hello a table for four?" The waiter said smiling.

"Yes please" Maria replied

"This way then please" the waiter instructed and we followed him.

Suddenly i felt something nudge my shoulder, I looked over to Levi. He nodded his head forward as if to say 'look'. I looked were he was gesturing, Hanji, Mikasa, Christa, Bertholt, Eren and Reiner where all sat at a table.

They wasn't far from were we sat down, me and Levi sat next to each other looking forward in shock.

I pulled my phone out under the table while everyone else looked at the menu.

On phone
F/n: Mikasa!
Mikasa: F/n what wrong?!
F/n: your in the ramen shop right?!
Mikasa: y-yeah what's up
F/n: dont look now but I am to...
Mikasa: ...
Mikasa: oh my lord....
F/n: yeah Maria wanted to have a 'family' lunch
Mikasa: what are we going to do...
F/n: I don't know but you guys can't leave now you'll see us!
Mikasa: um...
Mikasa: I know you two somehow leave the table like for the toilet or something and we'll leave then.
F/n: right and Levi can't leave that looks suspicious.
Mikasa: right only one of you go and the other say it's there family.
F/n: right I'll go.
Mikasa: wait I think Eren knows your father, though his...Levi has to leave.
F/n: alright hang on for just a moment.

Off phone
I nudged my phone onto Levi's lap, he read the messages and stood up.

"I need the toilet" he said bluntly putting up his hood and giving my phone back when passing me.

"So why do you need a hood u-" she got her sentence cut of by a waiter asking for orders.

I texted Mikasa the plan was on. And I saw her group go passed, they all waved at me and smiled "hey f/n!" Eren said.

They passed and left, 'it worked they thought these were my parents!'


Mikasa texted me 'Hanji ran to the toilet feeling sick...'

Levi's Pov
I walked to the toilet and hid in their with my hood up. I rested against the wall and took out my phone.

All of a sudden a girl came out the stall.

"Hanji!" I almost yelled.

"Wow that's the first time you've ever called me by my first name" Hanji looked at me extremely shocked as if it was the end of the world.

'Tch' I replied with a blank expression "that's not the issue...why are you in the boys bathroom?"

She jumped back and ran to the door opening it and checking the sign. "Oh..." she giggled and rubbed the back of her neck "oops"

I pushed her out and started heading back to f/n. Hanji went out side without seeing our table.

I sighed and took a seat, I wrote on notes on my phone 'Hanji saw me...'. F/n sighed.

Mikasa's Pov
We were waiting for the sick Hanji, she came out rubbing the back of her neck. "What's wrong?" Christa asked in a worried tone.

She laughed creepily and confessed "I kinda ran in the boys bathroom" everyone laughed at this.

"Did anyone see you?" Eren asked

"Well I didn't see anything, but Levi was leaning against a wall in there" she laughed but stopped when everyone was silent.

"Levi?!" Eren shouted.

"Yeah so what?" Hanji stated cluelessly.

"But we just saw f/n" Bertholt said confused and worried.

"Yes, and she was with her father" Eren added.

"But wasn't that f/n's mother" Riener asked.

"No, I thought f/n's mother died. She never told us personally but Mikasa told me" Eren claimed.

Everyone looked at me for answers, I sighed 'I'm sorry f/n, Levi. I can't keep the secret any more'

I explained everything to them and closed my eyes tightly awaiting their reactions.

Everyone was dead silent which felt like for an eternity. Until Eren spoke up "you mean their step siblings!?" He almost wispered.

"Well not technically..." I looked down.

Hanji laughed slightly "so it's fine I mean their not really related or blood!"

I nodded "that's what I told them but... they will be step-siblings"

Bertholt clenched his fist "w-when" he stuttered.

"T-tomorrow. There getting married" I replied still staring at my feet.

"So you knew this whole time and didn't tell us!" Hanji yelled.

"I'm sorry it's not that she didn't want you to know, she just thought you wouldn't...approve let's say" I smiled alkwardly.

Eren placed his hand on my shoulder "it's alright you did the right thing, it wasn't for you to say" he reassured me "but f/n and Levi like you said loved each other since the beginning. There happy together I think we can all see that" he spoke.

Everyone nodded in agreement "as long as she's happy" Bertholt muttered.

"Right!" Christa joined in "all that matters is their happy, it's not their fault there parents also fell in love!" She said positively.

We all accepted it and decided to help them as much as we could...

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now