Wedding Dress

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(Time skip: next school day)
Me and Levi went to school we were generally in a good mood.

Me and Levi teased Mikasa about Eren on the way to school, and she mostly blushed in silence.

Once we reached to school Levi came with me to my friends. We walked up to the group, most of them wasn't here yet.

"F/n!" Sasha ran up to me and hugged me, once she noticed us approaching us.

She then hid behind my back as we walked closer to the group "are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"No!" She almost yelled "Conny is trying to steal my potato!" She said glaring at him and hissing like a snake.

I laughed slightly "how didn't I see that coming"

Everyone looked at Levi and stepped back, trying to act casual. Levi just glared with half opened eyes and did his signicure 'Tch'

Eren hid behind Mikasa "L-Levi why are you..." he wispered.

I hugged onto his arm, his hands were in his pockets. "Come on guys, he's not that bad" I joked.

"Hey Levi!" Hanji yelled.

Levi just raised his hand in response, like a wave...but without the waving part.

"Come on Eren, he's my cousin. I won't let him hurt you" Mikasa told Eren laughing slightly.

Soon everyone got conformable with him just being close. Everyone started to be crazy, like normal. Hanji was shaking Armin back and forth rambling on about science.

Eren and Mikasa was talking, Conny and Sasha was still fighting over a potato. And the rest of the gang were just chatting.

"Your all crazy" Levi muttered.

I giggled and looked up at him "I know, but it's nice" I respond stairing into his illuminating silver eyes.

He staired back into mine and smiled slightly "I guess your right"

"Aren't I always" I joke and he laughs slightly.

Suddenly someone pulls down on my right shoulder. I look over and see Hanji, she had her arm on my shoulder. "Oooo, you guys seem like you having funnn!" She laughs smirking creepily.

Levi went back to his emotionless expression, "so what if we are"

Hanji stepped back putting up her hands "wow you get angry fast" she laughed loudly.

'Buz' 'Buz'

Both mine and Levi's phones went of at the same time. "Gezz, who texted both of you!" Hanji laughed and tried to look over my shoulder.

I quickly moved my phone over my screen, 'it must only be Maria or my father' I thought.

I stepped away from her and me and Levi stood next to one another and checked are phones.

To f/n and Levi,

Hey! It's mum and dad, the wedding is officially in two weeks. Isn't it exciting!? I want you both to get home quick then we can go and get everything else that we need to do ready!
Love you both xx

I sighed and looked up at Levi who had anger in his eyes.

"What's wrong" I heard Armin ask worried.

"It's nothing" I fake smiled brightly.

"That's great then!" He smiled and we all got back to what we were doing.

(Time skip: end of day)
Me and Levi went home quickly, we walked in and got changed.

Me and Maria went out, and Levi went with David. Maria and I walked to the town and she led me into a wedding dress shop. We opened the door and stepped in, the bell rung above our head.

"Hello, how may I help you lovely ladies" an employee stepped forward bowing her head.

Maria raises her hand "thank you, do you mind if we look around" she asks politely.

The lady nods "very well, please call me if you need anything" she dismisses herself back to work.

"Come on then, let's check out some dresses!" Maria cheerfully says grabbing my wrist lightly pulling me alone.

I sighed silently and smiled. We split of she went left and I went right in the wedding dress section.

'Wow...these are so beautiful, I hope I get to wear something like this one day." I thought to myself.

"Hey Maria!" I called her and she pretty much skipped over. I pointed at two dresses "what do you think about these" I smiled.

The first dress was long and elegant it was a white wedding dress. It had an off the shoulder look and was covered in some sequences near the top. Beautiful lacing surrounded the bottom of the dress.

Maria tried it on and it dragged lightly against the floor. As she turned the dress softly moved...

The second dress also had an off the shoulder look the torso was covered to the brim with tiny gems

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The second dress also had an off the shoulder look the torso was covered to the brim with tiny gems. It was long, but not as long as the first one. The bottom of this dress had a few sequences scattered around.

Maria came out wearing this slim fitting dress. It was gracefull and when she turned around the bottom flowed slowly in delay...

 It was gracefull and when she turned around the bottom flowed slowly in delay

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"T-there beautiful on you" I smiled reassuringly.

Her face lite up with an ear to ear smile "you think so!?"

"Which one are you going to choose?" I wondered.

"Um...I don't know" she laughed stairing in the mirror. "What do you think?" She asked swaying the dress side to side.

"Well..." I thought "the first one is long and stunning but..." I thought for a moment again before speaking "I think the second dress, it shows how thin you are. Also it shows your elegancy and complements your beauty"

I rambled on, which made her laugh. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep going o-" I apologied until she interrupted me.

"You really are like your father aren't you" she laughed tilting her head to the side with a closed eye smile.

I laughed slightly alkwardly, and she broke the silance again "alright, I'll go with this one then. Now let's get you your bridesmaids dress" she almost yelled smiling like a kid.

"B-bridesmaid?!" I questioned as she pulled me away...

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