Long day ahead!

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Readers Pov
The 'family' arrived home and Maria and David looked back at their 'children' once the car was parked.

"Is your son happy about it do you think?" David asked Maria with a frown.

"I do believe so, he just doesn't open up his emotions to anyone" Maria chuckled then frowned slightly.

"Okay that's great, i can tell f/n has been a lot happier with you here" David informs here.

"I'm so glad, probably wanting to get away from you!" Maria playfully punched David's arm.

They both laughed before Marua leaned into the back and shook Levi's arm then shaking f/n.

Your Pov
I woke up to someone shaking me, "hm?" I opened my eyes slightly to see Maria and my dad.

I rubbed on eye then remembered that I fell asleep on Levi's shoulder. I shot up to see him opening his eyes.

"You guys slept peacefully" Maria laughed.

"'Tch' what are you on about?" Levi asked bluntly.

They both shook their head and got out the car. Me and Levi looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders before following.

We went up stairs and to our rooms.
I layed in my bed staring up at the ceiling. 'Sigh' I'm happy for my dad but this really can't be happening right? I guess the smartist option would be to not seeing eachother anym-...what am I thinking! I can't give up that easily!...I-i love him.

I snap out of my thoughts and realised a tear slid down my cheak because of how angry I was.

I sighed and got up, I quiteily opened my door and slid out closing behind me. I tiptoed across the landing to Levi's room. I could hear Maria and David laughing and I sighed again before putting my hand on Levi's door.

"Levi" I wispered, opening his door slightly, there was no response.

"Levi?" I wispered again this time walking in his room. I saw him sitting at his desk.

He had an earphone in listening to music. I guess he didn't hear me then. I thought to myself. It looked like he was trying to study at his desk, but he seemed like he was too deep in thought.

His expression was on of anger, worry, stress and pain.

His expression was on of anger, worry, stress and pain

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(Credit to amazing artist😊)

I closed his room door, his head snapped quickly towards me and he sighed in relief. He took his earphones out his ears and put them away.

"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked me going back to his usual lifeless expression.

"I can't sleep. Are you trying to study" I reply.

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now