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Ever since Elena Gilbert awoke as a vampire her feelings for Stefan Salvatore drifted away. Her feelings for his older,  more mysterious brother came crashing down on her. She knew he already loved her, but did she feel the same way? Or was it just the transition messing with her head?

Elena's POV

As I walked up to the Salvatore mansion, I had lost all of my words of what I was going to say to Stefan. I didn't want to go inside, I wanted to run home and forget about what I was going to do. I finally plucked up the courage and knocked on the door.

"Hey, come in" Stefan said as he answered. He kissed me and took me to his room. When he kissed me I shivered. All my feelings for him were gone, he was just a friend now.

"We need to talk" I said as I sat on the bed.

"What have I done now? We were fine, what has Damon said?" Stefan replied angrily.

"I'm sorry Stefan, but I can't do this anymore" 

"What you want to move from mystic falls? You don't want to be a vampire?" Stefan asked 

"I can't be with you Stefan.." I whispered slowly.

"Why? Elena why?" I didn't reply. I couldn't. What could I say?

"WHY, ELENA WHY?" He repeated, louder this time.

" I LOVE DAMON OKAY" I knew it was quick, I knew it was wrong. I couldn't deny what I felt and I couldn't hide it for much longer.

"Just go Elena... just leave I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth ever again. You'll soon see that he is a monster. He is manipulative and rude"

"No Stefan he isn't. He's kind and warm and caring"


I ran down the stairs and cried, I had done the right thing for me and for him. It would hurt him if I had told him later on, years down the line. I wasn't happy with Stefan, but all I wanted was Damon.

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