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Elena's POV

When Stefan let me go from his grasp, I ran and put all of my clothes back on and sped out the door. I was weak but I had to get away from him. Nobody had rescued me, I was vulnerable and he took advantage of that. I surprisingly found my way back to the Salvatore mansion quite quickly. 

"DAMON" I shouted as I entered the house, there was no answer. I took out my phone, which I found as I exited the house that I was captive in, and dialled Damon.

"Elena, is that you?" He asked warily

"Yes, Damon I am at the house" I said shakily

"What happened? I'm coming." he said, relieved that I was ok.

Damon's POV

As Elena told me what my pathetic attempt of a brother did to her I cried. Yes, Damon Salvatore cried. It wasn't just me there as she told me, everyone was there. Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt, Tyler, basically all of her main friends. We all cried and felt like we let her down. Even though we tried our best to save her, she knew that too. We all hated Stefan now. The love of my life has been raped by part of MY family, I was disgusted. Me and Elena were finally happy, then Stefan had to ruin it. She will feel so vulnerable over the next few months/ years , but we will all be there for her. Every single one of us will protect her from now on.

Elena's POV

I felt so safe with all of my favourite people. When they left I took a nice bath. Normally Damon would jump in with me but he knew I needed some time alone. I had to process what had happened, so I could start to get over it. It would take a long time, I knew that. I felt horrible and dirty, even though I wasn't. An unwanted pair of hands were on my body today, ugh... horrid. I got into bed. I had missed this. Damon followed soon after me and hugged me, slowly at first so I knew he was going to. He was so good to me, he is my rock and my everything. Without him I wouldn't be here. I don't feel whole when I'm not with him. I cuddled up to him. I was in his arms, where I belonged at last

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