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I feel horrible for not updating this in soooo long! I would say I've been busy but I'm just so lazy and haven't really been inspired with this story. However...I'm rewatching TVD for like the 100000th time and I am feeling epic 😏 Enjoy!! (Please don't hate me for the slow updates)

Elena's POV

The day had arrived. Caroline arranged a meet-up with me and Stefan. After the whole Klaus confession, Damon and I decided to lay low for a while. 

I was sick to my stomach with panic.

"Are you ready?" I shouted downstairs. 

"I'm right here" Damon whispered in my ear. I spun around and kissed him on his plump lips. This love will never age, I will never stop loving him. 

"God I fall more in love with you everyday" Damon whispered. I blushed and looked at my feet.

"Look at me" Damon tilted my chin up. "We will get through this"

"I know" I paused. "I just really want to run away" He laughed, grabbed my hand and we walked out the door to start the painful day.

Damon's POV

We arrived.

 I saw him. 

I was blind with anger.

"Please come in" Caroline invited us into her new house. The walls were painted a bright white and there was an all diamond chandelier on the tall ceiling. 

"Wow! How did you afford this?" Elena asked, in awe.

"Well...I used my charm and got a discount!" she winked.

"Damon....can we" she trailed off when Stefan walked around the corner.

"Did you miss me?"

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