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Elena's POV:

I screamed, he can't be dead, he wouldn't leave me

"Get over it Elena, he's not dead, he'll just be out for a few hours. But by then, you'll be gone" Gone? I furrowed my eyebrows but sighed with relief. As long as Damon is alive and well, i couldn't care less about myself.

"Be gone?" i asked, after a few minutes of silence.

"You really can't believe i would leave? I'm still under Klaus' compulsion. I can't fight it Elena" Stefan shouted angrily.

"You can, fight for me"

"I don't want to, not after you started slumming it with my brother" i laughed at him. I laughed at the broken man in front of me. He had nobody to turn to, not really, he brought it on himself. I can't forgive him, I've tried, i really have,  but it's too hard, too painful. But now, i had to try, he needed to come home.

"You have to listen to me now, to my voice. The same voice who was there for you all of those times you woke up with night terrors, the same voice who brought back your humanity" I was begging, pleading with him, to see straight, to do the right thing.

"No, stop, i can't..."

"Listen, shhhh...it's alright. I'm here" I soothed him, we owed him that much.

"What have I done?" Stefan opened his eyes, i saw them cloud with sadness and grief.

"What did i do?" He asked again, i didn't know what to tell him, could he handle the whole truth?

"It's all going to be okay. It will. I'm here. Caroline is here. Damon is here. We're all here" He shook his head.

"How? After what i did? How can you pity me? You should hate me, like i hate myself. Why are you so good to me? I don't understand, what did we do to deserve you Elena? How did we get so lucky?" He lightly traced my freckles and my lips, he needed comfort, i would be wrong to refuse him comfort.

I heard a quiet groan, then another. Snapping my head around quickly, i saw Damon fly to his feet, fear covering his features.

"ELENA" He yelled, his back was toward us.

"I'm here" He turned, blanketed me in a hug and began to cry.

"I'm alright" Quiet sobs were heard from my shoulder. The Damon Salvatore cried for me, for us, for our trauma.

"I thought...you were dead" His voice was hoarse, shaking my head i buried my hand in his hair, lightly combing through his locks.

"I'm here" I repeated. Slowly, his head lifted from my shoulder, his eyes met with Stefan's.

"YOU! YOU DID THIS" Damon lunged at his brother, i couldn't let him hurt Stefan. Damon wouldn't live with himself if he killed his only brother.

"Let me get to him Elena, he deserves nothing!" I remained quiet, just my frantic hands gripping onto his shirt tightly.

"Elena!" I winced at his tone, but my hands would not let go. A part of me felt for Stefan, and i hated that part of me.

"Leave him, i need to go home Damon, please?" With my eyes filling with devastated tears, he grabbed my hand and led us out of the woods, back to our home.

"Did he touch you. So help me God if he touched you!" Damon asked angrily.

"No, but he's back. The compulsion broke Damon.  I don't know how, or why but it did" He nodded.

Elena and Damon settled in for the night, trying to forget the horrific day's events. What they didn't know is that the shadow in the darkness had broke. All was left was the remnants of who they were and what they had done.

A/N: OMG I'M BACK!!!!! I'm so sorry, i am. Lately, life had been getting so difficult, and i lost interest in everything. I will get the book completed in the next few chapters, and i will try and make them longer. I can't promise anything but i have started to feel better so what a better time to finish what i started!!!!!

Also my birthday is coming up in two days, i'm so excited!!!! Merry Christmas guys!!! <3

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