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Elena's POV

I woke up to a unfamiliar room and with Stefan staring down at me, his dark eyes penetrating my soul.

"Stefan, where am I?" 

"Not with Damon, but with me. Just like a year ago"

I could tell he was jealous of us, but I don't love him and I couldn't help that.

"Get over it Stefan. I don't love you anymore, it's always going to be Damon"

"That's where you are wrong Elena"

Damon's POV

I woke up to an empty bed, no Elena, no nothing.

"ELENA" I shouted, running around the house


There was no reply.

 It hit me. 

I rang Caroline and she was with Tyler. I explained the situation, and they went out looking.  I called Jeremy and Matt, who went out too. Then I called Stefan and he didn't answer. That was the least of my worries, where was Elena?

Elena's POV

"Please Stefan, just let me go. Damon will find me" I begged 

" Elena. It's simple. Just fall back in love with me and I will let you go"

"Not possible, and after this, I don't want to speak to you ever again"

"Fine, but what about this" he said as he approached me. He started kissing my neck.

"Stefan stop, I'm not into you anymore" I pushed him off of me.

"Just the once, then you're free"

"NO" I shouted, then he kissed my lips

He put his tongue down my throat. There's nothing I could do but wait for it to stop, he was stronger and faster than me. All I could think of was Damon, he could get me through this.


I was terrified and angry, how could he take advantage of me like this? . I knew where this was going to go, and I was petrified. . I was revolted by him.

" STEFAN STOP NOW PLEASE" I shouted, begging at him

Stefan Salvatore raped me, he did it with no remorse. He ruined my life to get back at his brother. I know something now i never knew before. 

I hate him.

 I hate him with every cell in my body.

I will never forgive him.

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