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After that evening, when Damon arrived home, i had stayed away from the house, from those people.  As soon as i smelt that perfume, i fled. Feeding Damon some crappy lie about needing to see Bonnie, i left and as of right now i don't plan on returning.

How dare he? How dare he give up on me. After everything, don't i deserve another chance? A little bit of time? Apparently not.

I walked, walked and walked around the familiar town, with nowhere to go. I passed the grill, and the memories of the good times there swarmed my brain. It was almost painful. Almost. Damon and I almost made it. Almost.

I passed the graveyard, i passed their graves. No emotions, no feelings, no nothing.

What is wrong with me?

My vibrating phone, my pounding head and my undeniable thirst made the night so much worse. The full moon threatening my safety and my weakness also making me vulnerable. I'm too impulsive, couldn't i have stayed and talked? Nope. I fled.

'Where are you?'

'Bonnie and Caroline haven't seen you'

'Are you okay'


'Is it Stefan?'

Missed messages and calls from Damon, still not one emotion stirred. Sighing, i realized i needed to go back home, i'm in too much danger. Making the journey home was harder than i thought. With the room spinning, my sense of coordination was non existent. I began to laugh. Could my life get any worse?

"WHY?" I yelled to the clear, night sky. Still chuckling lightly to myself.

Slumping against a tree, the wet bark soaking my thin shirt, i gave up. Closed my eyes. And let myself fall.

"She's okay...i found her in the graveyard...she was alone...I've got to go"

How did i get home? Why don't i remember?

"Hey, how are you feeling" Damon asked softly.

"Have you got a gun?" I joked.

"That bad? Yeah i found you pretty much starved to death"He joked but his face was deadly serious.

"I'm sorry I-" Then it came flooding back to me, like a tidal wave. The perfume, the cheat.

"What?" Damon asked.

"Where were you yesterday? You left all day"

"Where were you? You were out all night?"He shot back.

"No. I. Asked.First" I sat upright, almost begging for an answer.

Damon seemed taken aback. He didn't seem to know how to answer. That confirms it. He's over me.

"I thought you loved me" I choked out. His eyes shot to mine His hand reaching to my face. I couldn't bring myself to move away.

"I do baby, i want to spend forever with you" I shook my head, he's lying to my face.

"You...y-you cheated"

"What? Elena?" His whole body tensed, he had been found out.

"You were out a-all day, there was p-perfume on your s-shirt" My chest seemed to tighten.

"You want to know where i was?" He asked, with shiny eyes.

"Yes. No...yes i do"

"With Bonnie and Caroline, and Rick, and Jeremy" He fought back a smile.

"W-why?" The tears didn't seem to stop. His cold hand wiped a few fresh tears from my face, his other hand cradling my cheek. 

Damon stood up and seemed to be walking away. Until. I gasped.

There was Mr. Salvatore on one knee. With a shiny, delicate ring clutched in his hand.

"It's always going to be you Elena. Then, now and forever. There is nobody else for me. You have stolen my heart and it will always be yours, whether you want it or not. You are everything to me. Nobody can ever compare to you. You are my angel...my only angel. So with that said...will you marry me? And keep my heat safe for your eyes only?"

"Y-yes, a million times yes!!!" I gasped out.

The small ring was placed onto my finger. His lips met mine and for the first time in a while, i knew something. 

We would be alright.

I made it.

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