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A/N- Sorry I haven't wrote in a while, I have been super busy!

Elena's POV

Dear diary,
It has been a month since Stefan... you know. I'm feeling much better, all of my friends have been helping me through it and Damon has been so sweet to me! He has been doing nice things for me and he has given me lots of time to recover. I want to do something nice for him tonight too! Just to repay him!..
Elena xx

As I put my diary down, I texted Damon
E- You doing anything tonight?
D- nope! You?
E-nope, stay in with me?
D-for sure, I'll be home around 5!
E-okay, love you!
D-love you!

When we finished our conversation I smiled and went to run myself a bath.

E-I have a treat for you tonight! Be home soon!

The time was 4:15, I had 45 mins until he was supposed to be home. He deserved this after everything we've been through. 

I deserve this.

"Elena.... I'm confused!"

"I'm ready Damon, I feel fine now, don't be scared just come this way!"

I took his hand and led him to our room.

"Are you sure Elena?"

"Yes, with you i feel safe"

I kissed him hard and pushed him down onto the bed. He responded and I let his tongue go into my mouth and he did the same... (A/N: You know what happens from here!)

"That was amazing Elena" 

"it was" I snuggled further into his chest and let my eyes droop. In his arms, i felt like the safest person in the world. I felt untouchable.

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