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Stefan's POV

I needed to call Caroline, I had had enough of my alone time, it was time something was done about them. I dialled Caroline's number but it went to voice mail. 

I was so alone.

Elena's POV

I went back to Damon's and thank fully Stefan wasn't there. I wanted to kiss Damon all night and I know Caroline would want me to, too! Don't ask! She always says when I meet a guy and he likes me back, we should have sex. Tonight I'll listen to her. So I started teasing him.

I ran my fingers up his thigh as he sat on the sofa.
"Elena, what are you doing?" I started kissing his neck and he looked confused.

"Elena?" He pinned me down and started kissing my lips. Warmth spread throughout me, sending my body into overdrive.

"I love you Elena"

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