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A/N: All in Elena's POV now!!!

I woke up with Damon's vice grip around my waist. It was comforting, but then again...did i need the bathroom??

Slowly and carefully, i unlocked his hands from around me and i padded over to the huge, luxurious bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror to take a good look at myself since the whole Stefan thing. My once sparkling eyes, where now dull with purple bags underneath. My once radiant skin was now red and splotchy, and i just seemed like a shell of my once bright self. I felt tired, in more than one sense of the word. I felt...nothing much really. Shouldn't I feel traumatized or frightened? If i should, i didn't. If something scared me, that did.

"Elena?" I heard Damon call.

"In here" I heard his footsteps come closer and he appeared in the mirror. His eyebrows shot up in concern, i waved him off and told him to get us breakfast.

This morning was different. I felt detached. Almost like i was floating above myself, observing myself, not really living this moment. Shaking my head, i made my way downstairs, i should at least feel something.

"You okay?" Damon sounded panicked.

"Yes!" I laughed, trying to waver his concern. He has too much to worry about, without me being weird with my emotions.

Damon had left several hours ago, with strict orders that i should stay inside and that he will be back soon. That was 4 hours ago. To top it all off, Bonnie and Caroline were seemingly dodging my calls. All i had left was myself, and my lack of feelings. Which still hadn't returned to me. The TV was too loud, my thoughts were too quiet. I had nothing to do, to think...is this what my life will be from now on?

When Damon did return, he was quiet and secretive. He didn't say where he had been but i could smell a certain perfume on his jacket, that wasn't my own. It was another woman's.

I'm too much for him.

I've put him through too much.

He's given up on me.

It's all my fault.

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