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Elena's POV

Damon drove us home after we met Caroline. My eyes threatened to spill the salty tears, but I fought against the impending tidal wave. My only thought racing through my mind was why would Klaus make him do such a thing?

"Elena. Are you okay?" Damon asked me, with his hand firmly in mine.

"Of course, I've gotten over the whole...." I choked on my words.

"No, you aren't"

"Are you?" I asked him, trying to get the attention off me.

"I wanna kill them, Stefan and Klaus" Damon kissed my hand and I smiled.

"I need you here Damon, I don't want to lose you too" Damon smiled reassuringly. He turned the television on and we gasped. There was a reported "animal attack", and this time it definitely wasn't Damon. The victim had her head torn, or bitten, off. It was bonsais to the both of us what monster did this.

"Oh Saint Stefan, you've gotten yourself in a mess" Damon muttered. I could tell he was worried for Stefan, as was I. Even after what he did. However, did he have a choice? After what Klaus did to him?

"This is my fault" I whispered. If he didn't do...that to me. He wouldn't be acting out of anger and guilt. People wouldn't be dead and Stefan wouldn't be hurting.

"No!" Damon shouted.

"This isn't your fault. He got himself into this mess, this hot mess. But we'll get him out of it. You are innocent Elena. You have done nothing wrong" He grabbed my face and I stared into his distracting, blue orbs.

"Listen to me Elena, I love you. This isn't on you" I nodded my head and he kissed me. It was full of reassurance. Full of love. I could tell Damon was scared, and worried, and angry. 

I couldn't do anything.

Who could save Stefan from his impending doom?

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