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Elena's POV

"Mom, Dad?"

"Elena, you need to chose quickly"

"Chose what? I thought you were dead!"

"Exactly, do you want to be with us, or with Damon?"

"Wait"..."I'm dead?"

" You will be soon honey, you have to pick, or they'll pick for you"

"Who will pick for me? What's happening? Where am I?"

"There's no time for questions, have you chosen?"

"Yes mom, I love you. You too dad!"

Damon's POV


I sobbed into her chestnut hair. Her body was lifeless and she was barley alive.


It was no use, she was going and she was never coming back. The tears were flooding now. Everything was blurred.

"You promised me forever, just like I promised you"

All of a sudden her body pumped up and back down.

"Elena? Can you hear me?"

She opened her hazel eyes.

"Damon" Her voice was raspy.

"I'm so sorry"

"Why? What happened? How do you feel?"

"I feel l-like I've been in a really bad dream. I'm so sorry for leaving you"

"You didn't leave me Elena!" He paused and he caught his breath. Whatever happened obviously stressed him out. Did I die? Did I actually see my dead family?

"I did Damon" he looked at me confused. "I had to pick if I wanted to stay alive. If I didn't do it quick enough they would chose for me....I chose to come back to you because I love you. I will never stop loving you, our love is forever"

Stefan's POV

Ring, ring , ring....

"Caroline PICK UP"

I stood outside of her house and it was obvious she wasn't home. Great. My first day back in Mystic Falls and all is going well. I wish anyway.

"Caroline where have you been?" I saw her walking up to her house, who was she talking to?

 Then I saw. It was him, he made me do what I did. He's acting like he did nothing. When Caroline finds out she will hate him.

He started all of this mess in my life.

Now he will pay.

Authors note

Who do you think Stefan has seen and what mess has been caused? Comment and vote please if you want me to keep updating! I feel like this fandom is dying slowly 😩

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