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Elena's POV

I just remember running, running for my life. I saw trees, grass, green, but no Stefan. I couldn't stop, i couldn't breathe...

"Elena, you don't think you can outrun me, do you?" i heard faintly from between the trees. The voice, it wasn't Stefan's, but i had heard it before?

I took off again, hoping and praying that Damon wasn't far behind me, so i could lean into him and pretend this isn't actually happening. All of my life i had tried to do good, i had followed the rules, why did i deserve this life? this pain? this torture?

By the time i had gotten to a fairly clear patch of the forest, i heard my phone ping.

D: Where are you?
D: Baby please answer me
E: I don't know, i ran straight ahead like you said
E: Where are you?

I waited and waited for a reply, to find there wasn't one. I started to panic, what if Klaus or Stefan had found Damon. Wait...Klaus. The voice from earlier, it was British

I began to run once again, i didn't care about anything else but Damon. I didn't care if i got caught, if i saw Klaus, i needed to get back to Damon. I headed back in the direction of Caroline's house, desperate to feel his presence.

Heart pounding, i arrived in record time.

There was no movement.

There was no sound.

No life.

"Damon?" i whispered.

"Damon?" i repeated, over and over, there was no reply. I heard a familiar laugh.

i spun around.


It couldn't be real, i felt my airways close, even for a vampire i felt short of breath, the world began to topple.

Laying in front of me.

As clear as day.


A/N: Sorry it's so short, it more like a filler chapter for the final few chapters. This book will be rounded off very soon! Thank you for being patient with me! ❤️

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