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Elena's POV

I woke up in Damon's arms and I felt so safe, so calm and like I didn't have a care in the world. The last part was fake but right now it felt that way. After the trauma Stefan got sent somewhere and I don't really know where! Damon and Alaric sent him away to get his mind together - today he returns. It has been 6 months, I'm afraid that it will bring me back to that day when I see him again.

Damon's POV

I woke up with her beautiful doll eyes admiring me. I could see a hint a worry in her eyes.

Stefan was coming home. 

There wasn't a part of me that wanted him back. 

Has he changed? 

One thing is for sure, he will not be staying in our house.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Has anyone been in touch throughout the night?"

She was worried about Stefan, she had every right to be.

"About Stefan? Nope there has been nothing"

"Is he staying here?"

"Are you serious? After what he did to you? ABSOLUTELY NOT." I could see her sigh in relief.

"Hey, are you okay" She sighed.

"Let me rephrase.... are WE okay?"

"Yeah of course, it's just I'm so worried. I can't breathe and I have a huge lump in my throat. I'm trying to be strong but it's too hard"

Her eyes were tearing up, as did mine. I hated seeing her so broken over my asshole of a brother.

"I will be here ALL day. I hate him. In fact I don't think there is a word that can sum up my hate for him. I can't even say his name without wanting to throw something" She laughed lightly.

I hadn't heard her laugh in what felt like forever. I had missed this side of her.  

Elena's POV

I got ready for the day and I tried to put a brave face on for Damon. He was just as worried as I was. I needed to be strong for him, it's his brother at the end of the day. I got downstairs and I could smell Damon's cooking. 

Pancakes again?

"You look stunning!" Damon whispered in my ear

"And you need to get ready Mr!" I poked at his chest

"Eat up then!"

He placed the pancakes in front on me and as always, it had a smile face on it.

"Who knew Damon Salvatore can be goofy!"

"Hey. I'm not all serious - not around you anyway!" He winked at me.

We finished up our pancakes and Damon went to get changed. My phone pinged and I noticed it was from Caroline

C: how you holding up?
E: I'm good actually, how are you?
C: I have some news on Stefan if you want to know?
E: Care! I'm stronger than you think!
C: fine, Stefan will be at my house in about an hour
E: an hour?
C: you won't see him Elena, I'll keep him as far away as possible
E: you promise
C: Caroline Forbes breaking promises? Are you that untrusting of me!
E: okay!
C: I'll get in touch later.
E: sure!
C: bye!
E: bye!

......AN HOUR?

"DAMON!" I shouted his name as loud as I could - even though my voice was shaky

He came rushing down the stairs and pulled me in for a hug. It's like he knew but he didn't

"What's happened Elena?"

"Stefan" I paused " he is coming home"

I couldn't breathe , I had a huge lump in my throat. My mouth went dry. The next thing I knew there was darkness and silence. I couldn't be strong anymore. I couldn't hold on.

"ELENA"  Damon's voice was a whisper - when I knew he was yelling. I wanted to tell him that I'm sorry.

I couldn't.

Not anymore.

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