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Elena's POV

"Damon. You are going to have to let me go. I have to meet Caroline! She has some info on Stefan" Damon was holding me down. His blue orbs staring into mine, pleading for me to stay.

"Please baby"  he smirked.

"Damon...." he kissed my neck and looked me in the eyes again.

"10 minutes? Please Elena? For me?"

"Nope, get used to rejection Damon" It was my time to smirk at him. I kissed him on the lips and I struggled out of his grasp. When I was free I ran out of the room - you won't catch me Damon Salvatore.

"It's ready!"  I shouted after i made breakfast. He trudged in and took the plate.

"Thanks" he said with a sarcastic tone.

"You can come today, only if you want to" I knew this would brighten his face up. He has no idea what he does to me. 

"Really? Thanks babe" he kissed my lips and he sat down on the sofa. The news was on, we sat together and ate.

"Damon! I'm ready to leave" I yelled after i had made myself look more presentable.

Caroline's POV

"Elena! It's been a while!"

"Hey Care!"

"I'm just going to get straight into it okay? This is exactly what he told me last night"

I could see that Elena had grabbed Damon's hand.

Here we go.

"Last night I walked home with Klaus, then Stefan started saying that Klaus would pay for something he made him do. We went inside and he explained it all"

"Caroline we don't need the back story just tell us" Damon was agitated. Fine

"He said that Klaus put him under a 'spell'. He was under the influence of him if you will. Everything that Klaus ordered, Stefan had to complete. Klaus ordered Stefan....."

"What did he order him to do Caroline" Damon was on the urge of shouting now.

"To....to rape Elena"

"Why?" Elena said this with her mouth open and her eyes glistening.

"Why?" Damon also said this with a "I'm going to kill someone in a minute look"

"He wanted to break you apart. I don't  know why. Klaus didn't deny all of this though. He just sped out and I don't think we are going to see him again."

"Where's Stef Stef now then?"

"He ran out too, he could be anywhere"

Elena's eyes were threatening to spill salty tears. While Damon's face looked as cold as ice. You could tell all he wanted to do was protect Elena.

"Let's go look for Stefan then"

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