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The flight was long an nearly unbareable. I sat next to a family with a sceaming todler and crying newborn. Luckily I had a window seat, but that didn't distract me from the little devil in the seat behind me. He kicked my chair for the whole flight. After a while the soft voices of Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood could not even contain me. Let's just say the New Yorker in me came out on the boys father.

Aunt Nina soon found me in the lobby and now here I was in the passenger seat of her Suburban driving to her home in Sydney. This place was breathtaking to say the least. I couldn't get enough of it honestly. Though the sun was shining bright, the cold air contrasted it. When I asked Aunt Nina why it wasn't hot she laughed her ass off. "We're not on the equator love, it gets cold here too." Her thick accent was mesmarizing. Aunt Nina was my father's sister. His parents had her first and when Nina was ten, they moved to the United States. A year later my dad was born, explaining the lack of his Australian accent. Aunt Nina moved back when she was 20 and she's been here ever since. 

"So you'll be attending school at West Sydney High School. We have a meeting in the morning with the headmaster. You should head to sleep. Once we get home." I hadn't even realized how dark it was. Not that I was tired. This jetlag was currently kicking my ass.

Sooner or later we pulled into the driveway of a beautiful house. If this wasn't the most breathtaking sight I hadn't the slightlest clue what was. There was a beach in the backyard, a beautiful garden in the front. "Wait here, someone is super excited to see you." I gigled softly having an idea at who it was. 

"Boo!" Someone screamed into the window. "Jesus Manny I could've had a heart attack!" I screamed at my cousin, who was no longer a foot shorter than me and lacked his crooked teeth any longer. He was handsome to say the least in a non awkaward way. He was still my cosuin afterall, but from the looks of him he has broken some hearts in the last few years, without a doubt. "That was the point Storm get out here a give me a hug!" 

I wrapped my arms around his torso smiling into his chest. I'd forgotten how close we were as kids, regardless on how little we got to see each other. Although, after his father left them years ago, they'd come to stay with us for a bit. He dropped off the face of the Earth long ago, but they were fine without his aid. 

"Oi let's get inside it's freezing out here." He said, my bags already in his hands. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the out, I stood in the foyer for a moment to take it all in. "Come on Stormy you must be starving." Aunt Nina said leading me into the kitchen. She heated up some pizza I assumed was from the night before. I didn't mind though. As she said I was starving. The airplane food was scarce and disgusting. I'd chosen various cups of gingerale to hold me down. I scarfed down the pizza like it was the last supper. Manny lead me to the room I'd be staying in. 

He flickered on the light to reveal my favorite colors on the wall. Electirc blue and purple surrounded the whole room. He noticed the smile on my face. "We had it painted just for you. Well more like mum handing my two buckets of pain and saying 'Do something creative with it'. Hope you like it fag, it took me for damn ever." He said laughing. "I do fuckface, thanks." He left me alone to shower and change into some pajama shorts and one of my favorite sweatshirts that'd belonged to my dad. I'd "borrowed" it so many times that he'd given up and donated it to me. The sweatshirt in question revealed the Nirvana symbol. 

I pulled out my phone and called my parents

"Hello? Storm? How are you? How was the flight? Are you at your aunt's house? What time is it there? Did you eat something? God we miss you already."

I couldn't help but smile at my father's concerned voice.

"Hey dad. Yes it's me. I'm okay. Flight was hardly bareable but I survived. I'm at aunt Nina's right now. It's 11:45 p.m here. Yes I ate pizza. I miss you guys too." 

We chatted for bit and I was handed off to my mom and sister after a while. I soon hung up and got into bed, still not the least bit tired. This jetlag was no joke. I was scared and excited for this meeting at school tomorrow with the headmaster, which wasn't helping me fall asleep. I turned on Heartbreak girl by, you guessed it 5sos, and somehow I managed to fall to sleep.

A/N: Btw just letting you guys know that the story is taking place before 5sos got discovered by 1d so that's why Storm is one of the only ones in the U.S who is a fan of them. I just wanted to clear that up so you guys weren't confused. 

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