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When Saturday rolled around, I found myself tearing my closet apart once again. Luke had told me to dress 'casual' for our date.

What the fuck did casual even mean?! He was going to be here at ten thirty. He said something about wanting for take me to breakfast before we go the place he plans on taking me.

After turning my room upside down twice. I finally found something suitable.

I decided on some white leggings, a black sweater and my signature combat boots. Luke told me to bring a change of clothes for the gig tonight if I wanted to. I couldn't lie, I did want to impress Luke. I just hope my low self-esteem wouldn't get in the way of my night.

I laced up my boots and headed downstairs. Aunt Nina was at work again. Manny was still asleep luckily. I was in no mood for another argument.

Each reflective surfaced I passed by I felt the need to fix something on myself. I was nervous as hell for this date considering it's my first.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when I soft knock sounded at the door. Knowing it was Luke I skipped away to answer it. Literally. That's how excited/anxious I was.

I opened the door to reveal the blonde haired boy. "Good morning, beautiful", he said with his trademark smirk.

"You know I'm beginning to think that you only compliment me to see me blush." I said, trying to prevent the redness from radiating my face.

"Well it's definitely a bonus, but I do take joy in informing you of your beauty."

If I wasn't blushing before, I was blushing now. "Can we get through one day without you making my face turn beat red?"

He chuckled, "Where's the fun in that? Come on I'm starving."

He took my hand and led me to the car. He even opened the door for me. "Well what a gentleman you are today, Mr. Hemmings", I said with a giggle. He laughed, "I won't argue with you there. I can be quite the gentleman."

After about twenty minutes of silence I blurted out, "Lets play a game. It's too quiet right now."

He chuckled, "Okay. What game?" I though for a moment before saying, "21 questions?" He agreed and began asking me questions.

"Favorite color?"



I giggled. "One question at a time Lucas." I could be just as sly as he was. "Okay. You're turn ask me something." I thought for a moment, "Favorite song?"

"At the moment? Jasey Rae of course."

I smiled at the mention of that song. "That's mine too." "Okay why is black your favorite color?"

"People think that black is such a depressing color. But in reality it holds so much character. It's so poetic. Ya know?"

"Yeah. I do. Black conveys so many stories that other colors just can't show."

I smiled widely, "finally someone who understands!"

We soon began to ask each other a medley of questions until we got to the pancake house we've gone to every weekend. The waiters even know our names.

"Hey Storm! Hi Luke", our usual waitress Cathy greeted. She's a single mom with two kids, so we always manage to tip her heavily.

"You guys gonna have the usual", she asked as she led us to a booth. We nodded and ordered our usual stack of pancakes. After about a ten minutes Luke had finished off his stack while I was still working on my first pancake.

"You shouldn't eat so fast. You'll get a tummy ache."

He laughed out loud, "Did you really just say tummy?" I rolled my eyes at him jokingly, "So what if I did."

"You're such a child Storm! Use big girl words."

We soon left the pancake house and set off to wherever Luke had planned on taking me today.


By four o'clock we ended up in an aquarium after having gone bowling. Which I whipped his ass in of course. "Luke Luke Luke! Look at the dolphins. They're so cute!"

You could say I was a little excited to see all the fish. "I see them. They're kind of ugly to me, really."

I gasped at him in shock, "They are the cutest things in the world! What us wrong with you?"

He chuckled and leant down to whisper something in my ear. "I think you're cuter. Just saying." If you're wondering how fast my face changed colors; faster than the speed of light. "Alright casanova Hemmings. Can we go an hour without making me blush", I said with a nervous giggle. "Like I told you, that's no fun. You're too beautiful for me not to want to compliment you all the time. Give me a break babe." He replied with that oh so famous smirk.

"Come on. I'm counting on seeing some penguins before we leave", he finished as he grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers like he had done earlier in the week.

After visiting the penguin habitat and petting the stingrays we decided it'd be best we'd be on our way to the venue. We hopped in the car and was on our way. I couldn't wait to get to see them preform again tonight.


Ugh this chapter sucked :/

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