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I pulled Luke off the porch and halfway down the block before I finally let go of his arm. "Damn, you sure have a strong grip." He said rubbing his arm. "I'm sorry Luke. But can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything." I sighed a bit before asking. "Why does Manny-" "Totally hate my guts?" He cut me off. I shook my head as we continued to walk. "I wasn't going to say that! But since you did.." He sighed. "You're new here Storm, a lot of people don't like me." He said. "Well I like you." I countered, in an attempt to brighten his mood. He smiled down at me. "I'm glad you do. Everyone has had my name in their mouths for the longest time, but I've grown not to give a shit about what people think about me anymore."

"Well I'm glad you're so postitive about it." I said grinning up at him. "But I would like to know why you have such a reputation." He chuckled at me. "Maybe some other time Storm. So what's your story? There's gotta be something other than you just coming here to study." It was like I was an open book to him. He could see right through me. "What's yours?"

"There's not much to tell love. I've lived here all my life, I play crappy music in my crappy band. I'm still in school just to please my mom. Oh! I have a dog named Molly too." I laughed at him, maybe too hard.. When i finally looked up at him, I noticed he was staring at me. "What?" He shyed away, smiling at the ground.

"I like your hair like that", he said pointing to my bun. I gigled, but thanked him. We finally arrived at school just before the first bell. We still had some time to kill before homeroom started, but I chose to stay with Luke. "So Storm do you wanna come see us preform this Saturday? It's just at a pub not to far from here." "Yeah that'd be great." He smiled, "Great well we'll pick you up at around 7:30 The show starts at 8." "Can't wait."

"Hey you're Manny's cousin. Storm right?" I heard an unfamilliar voice ask from behind me. I turned to see a tall, redheaded girl standing in front of me.

"Yeah, who wants to know?" I replied, an edge on my tone. She ignored it, by throwing here arms around me nearly squeezing the life out of me.

"Um do I know you?" I asked prying her off me. "I'm Manny's girlfriend! He's told me so much about you. We are going to be such great friends I can already tell. Gosh he didn't tell me how pretty you were! I love your hair you should totally sit with us as lunch." I could already tell I wasn't going to be as close with her as she assumed. She's the type of girl that constantly picked on me back home.

"Yeah I'll think about it."  "Okay wel see you later!." The combination of her Australian accent, and the fact that her voice was so squeaky, made my ears bleed.

"Wow. You must come from greatness if Naomi Scott is telling you to sit with her." Luke teased. I shoved him. "She's an interesting character, but I don't see us being friends."

"You really don't know the power you could have here Storm. Why you're chosing to waste it on being friends with me is pointless."  "Well I'm not into the preppy girls and horny jock crowd so I think I'll hang with you for a while." I said, and that was the end of that

okay just a filler. so manny doesn't like Luke..

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