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It's been about two and a half months since I've been in Sydney. I've told my parents that I've been doing well and I'm happier than ever.

Not by a long shot. I've relapsed countless times. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.

But when I'm with Luke and the guys (Luke especially) I feel like I belong. Like I have a purpose. We've gotten close as thieves these past few months and I wouldn't trade those friends for anything in the world.

Of course, Manny still disapproves, only adding to my stress. Aunt Nina is just happy to know that I've made friends.

Currently I am cleaning up my "mess" and covering up my arms before Luke picks me up for school. I will not risk losing a friend like him over my stupidity. No doubt they would all think I'm a freak.

Once everything was covered, I threw on some light wash jeans, a baggy black sweater, and some combat boots.

I mustered up the best fake smile I could, and was on my way.

"Of to see the Hemmings boy again huh?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh Manny, give it a break will ya? It's been almost three months, and you ask me this question everyday. Yes we're friends. I'm friends with all of them. Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Luke. Get it through your head. I mean haven't you noticed they're the only ones who talk to me? Ask me how I'm feeling? Not like you give a fuck anyways but I relapsed this morning", I was interrupted vibration from my phone.

Hey I'm outside xx ;)

Smiling slightly I grabbed my bag. "Have a good day at school Manny. Try not to trip my friends in the hall again today."

Yeah I was being harsh, but he was making them miserable. It was about time someone said something about it.

As I was turning the knob on the door I felt a hand wrap around my arm. I yelped out in pain. Between the grip he had on me and the rawness of my flesh, it was an intense sensation.

"What do you mean you relapsed?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh don't act like you care now Manny."

He looked up at me. Real remorse in his eyes. "Do you know what it would do if I lost you? I just- I wouldn't be able to deal with it Storm. Please. Promise me this is the last time."

I felt myself beginning to tear up. I shouldn't have thrown that on him. I was just upset. "I'm sorry Manny. I'm just still feeling shitty. You have to promise you won't tell anyone though. Please they'll put me in the loony bin."

He sighed, "Okay. Okay I won't tell."

I threw my arms around him and gave him a grateful smile, before heading out the door and towards Luke's car.

"Goooooooood morning beautiful", Luke smirked at me knowing it would make me blush. The past few weeks we'd been flirting back and forth, although I knew it wouldn't go farther than that. Luke's got better options than me.

"Morning", replied, holding back a giggle. "Where's the regs of the guys?"


I laughed.

"Not a surprise."

"So Storm, there's something I've been meaning to ask you..." He said this very hesitantly. I felt a knot the size of a rock forming in my stomach.

"S-sure a-a-ask away", I said trying to control my stuttering. It happens whenever I'm nervous, and frankly it occurs more when I'm with Luke.

"So we've known each other for a while now and I was just wondering maybe you wanted to go out... like on a date... With me?"

Was he just as nervous as I? My heart rate picked up by a million miles. I could feel it wanting to burst out of my chest.

"I'd l-love to go out with you L-Luke."

He chuckled and grabbed my hand as we got out of his car and walked up the front steps of the school. I tensed, but Luke didn't seem to mind the looks we were getting.

"So are we meeting up for lunch?"

What? How could I think about food right now when he was holding my hand? Luke Hemmings. The boy I had been crushing on for months was holding my hand and I was supposed to think about lunch?

"Uh yeah if you want to. Can I ask you something Luke?"

He flashed me that award winning smile, "Yeah, what's up?"

"I'm just wondering. Why would you ever want to go out with me?" I asked, looking up at him while I leaned on a locker. His hand was still holding onto mine slightly.

"Well. It's more socially acceptable for me to ask you on a date before I make you my girlfriend", he smirked yet again.

"Whatever you say, casanova. Where will we be going this supposed date?"

"Nothing supposed about it babe. And I'm not exactly sure yet. Any place you have in mind?"

I giggled, "You're the smooth one here. You plan this date!"

He laughed, but agreed. He walked me to my first period, regardless of my objections.

"Luke you're going to be late!" He rolled his eyes, "So what? I'm late everyday Stormy, if you haven't noticed", he chuckled. "Oh! I never asked you. Can we go on this date this weekend? We're playing another show Saturday night. I was thinking we could do something during the day before it."

"Yeah! Sounds great. Just please. Don't let me get hammered again."

"Babe I'm not letting you out of my sight. Another repeat of the last party is not what either of us want."

The second bell rung and I shoved Luke down the hall. "You need to go to class, Luke! I will see you in bio now go", I said while laughing at his resistance.

He jogged down the hallway and for a moment, I forgot I was ever depressed.


Luke's POV:

She said yes. She. Fucking. Said. Yes. I was so convinced she was going to reject me! I mean she's a beautiful, smart, funny, beautiful, down to earth, headstrong girl. Oh and did I mention how beautiful she is? Because she is.

I strode into first period smooth and confidently. I couldn't wait to get to Ricky's, so I could tell the guys. Man they were right. They told me from the start that she would say yes. It's just all so surreal.

Shit I sound like such a girl. I'm just not used to this. I don't 'date'. I fuck and dump, to put it bluntly.

I just had to plan something she won't forget. She deserves some fun and happiness in her life. Maybe she'll open up to me more if we're together. Who fucking knows. All I care about right now is not fucking up this date.

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