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"Honors Biology, AP Literature, AP World History, Honors Mathematics. When the hell did you get smart?" Manny teased, studying my schedule. I snatched it away and shot him a playful glare. "Well that's the biology room, the only class we have together is lunch so see you eighth period Stormy!" "Bye Manny." I said as I walked up to my locker. First period began in ten minutes, giving me just enough time to organize my locker and check my outfit one more time.

I glanced at my reflection, dissapointed yet again, but now was not the time to dwell on my lack of beauty. I walked out of the bathroom and into first period just as the bell sounded. I walked up to my new teacher who's name I had yet to learn and handed him my note. He grinned at me. "Well Storm I am Mr. Kingston come let's introduce you to the class."

I gulped. Great.

"Class", Mr. Kingston's voice boomed through the large classroom.

"This is our new student, Storm Hunt. She is from America! I want you all to make her feel welcome. Now Storm if you'll take a seat by Luke- Oh Luke would you raise your hand? That's him back there." Mr. Kignston ushered me away towards the golden hairded boy. He lifted his head and smiled at me as I made my way to the empty seat beside him. His piercing blue eyes were so familliar.

I nearly gasped once I reconized him. I'd been obsessing over him and his band for months now and we were lab partners. I sat down in the stool next to him, my face heating each passing moment.

"So you're American huh? I've alway wanted to go there." He said still smiling at me. I couldn't find the words to say. "You're not mute are you love?" I laughed almost too hard.

"No I'm not a mute. I'm a bit embarassed is all." He looked at me as if he were urging for an explanation. "So this might sound absolutely insane, but I have been totally hooked on 5 seconds of summer for months now and it's just a bit weird to be lab partners with someone I've been obsessing over." I explained.

"Wait a second, you know my band? And you're from America? I'm sorry but this is incredible we had no idea our music had traveled this far. Would you by any chance like to skip lunch to come meet the rest of the guys?"

My heart was beating a million miles a minute. I had an obnoxious smile on plastered on my face. I nodded until my head hurt. Luke gigled at my excited nature. "I didn't get your name love", my heart fluttered at the sound of him calling me 'love'.

"S-Storm. Storm Hunt." He smiled that award winning smile again. "Well Storm, you are our first American fan."

Each class after bilogy was the same. I'd be introduced, be asked to say random words just so people could hear my accent, and aimlessly took notes. Eighth period came around and I headed towards my locker to put my books away. I felt a hand press against the small of my back and I shivered. "Sorry babe, didn't mean to scare you. Come on Ashton's waiting outside." Luke said. I sent a text to Manny letting him know why I wouldn't be in lunch with him. Luke and I walked outside and I caught a glimpse of the rest of 5sos.

Jesus Christ. Was my only thought as I climbed into the backseat with Luke.

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