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The warm, steaming water fell down my back. Tickiling my spine as it roared into the drain. I smiled a bit as I got out of the shower, reminicing the events that had occured today. I was almost excited to go back to that school. Only because of the guys of course. I heard my phone vibrate and I skipped out of the bathroom to retireve it.

I felt the butterflies come instantly once I saw who the caller was.

"Hey Luke."

"Hey Storm! I just wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school with me tomorrow? I figured it'd be fun."

"Y-yeah that'd be great. I should probably tell you where I live." I said in a shaky voice, suddenly growing nervous for tomorrow morning.

He chuckled, "Yeah that might be helpful if I knew where you lived."

"I'm at 947 Huckleberry Lane."

I sensed him going quiet.

"Um, Luke. Are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm here! It's just.. Why are you staying at Manny Hunt's house?" He asked, trying to shake off a nervous chuckle.

"Oh yeah he's just my cousin. You know him?"

He bursted out in laughter. "Babe, everyone knows Manny."

Getting up the next morning was anything but easy. With the jetlag, and the fact that Luke and I had stayed up until god know's what time on the phone. I wasn't going to lie he was extremely attractive, but there is no way I'd ever have a chance with him. Besides, we hardly knew each other, but that didn't stop him from flirting with me the entire night. I'm glad we were just on the phone because if he would have see how red my face had gotten I might have jus died.

I rolled out of bed, and began to get ready for the day. Luke will be here by 7:45, giving me just about an hour to get ready. I hopped in for a quick shower, scrubbing away the night before. I climbed out soon enough, venturing for an outfit. It was still quite cold out, so I decided on a pair of black leggings, some tan boots, and a long Victoria Secret Pink long-sleeve t-shirt. I tied my bee's nest of curls into a semi messy bun, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

I checked the time on the kitchen clock. It was already 7:40. Luke would be here in five minutes. Manny came stomping down the stairs. He saw me a smiled. "Morning. How'd you sleep?" I didn't, I thoguht to myself, laughing a bit. "Fine thanks for asking. So, when were you going to tell me how popular you were?" I asked, recalling the conversation Luke and I had about my cousin. Apparently he was the star athlete, well known party boy, and of course, the ever so cliche hearbreaker. He smiled, "I wouldn't say I'm 'popular'. Yeah more than a few know my name. So what if I'm the star of the football team! I'm not that special!"

I shook my head in humor. "Wow Manny! You're so modest." We laughed for a bit until there was a knock at the door.

"Oh! That's Luke, he's walking me to school. I guess I'll see you in lunch today." I said grabbing my bag off the counter.

Manny scoffed. "What do you see in this Hemmings kid anyways?" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood for Manny to get in my business again. "I'll see you later Manny."

I pulled the knob on the door and greeted Luke with a small hug. "Hey you ready?"

"Just about," I said glancing back at Manny for a moment. No doubt he was shooting Luke glares. "Let's go." I finished grabbing Luke by the arm and walking out the door.

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