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So after finishing our delicious meal, we decided to head to Micheal's house and hang out. The guys are even going to let me watch them do a cover! Of course I'll be video taping for them. "So Storm how was your first day? What classes do you have?" Micheal questioned as we walked into his basement. I pulled out my schedule, handing it to him. He eyed it down intenesly. "Damn. She's funny, hot, and smart!"

My face heated up for the millionth time that day. "Please! I'm far from hot. But I will except being funny and smart." I countered, shyness raidating in my tone. "Babe, you're absolutley gorgeous. Whoever disagrees with that has to be out of their fucking mind!" Luke said, suddenly jumping in. If my face wasn't already piping red, it was now.

"Awwhh! Luke you're making her blush!." Calum and Ashton cooed at us. I turned in the other direction, not wanting to show my tomatoed face any longer. I was grinning like an idiot, even though I hardly believed a word coming out of Luke's mouth. "Ashton and Calum, come with me. I need help getting the recording stuff down here!." Micheal called from his postition at the top of the stairs. The two ran to assist him, leaving Luke and I together. I was fidgiting with my bag, pretending to be searching for something in order to avoid conversation with the golden haired boy.

"Um Storm, I didn't mean to embarass you or anything. You are extremely beautiful, and you should be aware of that." Luke said after a few minutes of unbarable silence. I smiled at him. "It's alright, Luke. I'm just super shy. That's all." He chuckled a bit, and scooted closer towards me on the couch. After a moment I felt his long arm wrap around my shoulders drape over the couch. I instantly tensed. Luke however, wasn't fazed at all. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You really are beautiful, don't ever forget that." His warm breath tickled my neck. Luke gigled, seeing the affect he currently had on me. 

"Alright you guys ready?" Ashton called, storming down the stairs. Thank God. I would've melted at the hands of Luke, had the rest of the guys been gone any longer. "Okay Storm it's pretty simple, you just press this button right here and once the light turns red press this one over here and it'll start recording." Calum was explaining to me how to use the camera in terms of recording and ending a video. "Okay Cal I think I've got it. What song are you guys gonna sing anyways?" "Jasey Rae, by All Time Low." I nearly swooned right then. "I absolutely adore that band. Jasey Rae is my favorite song by them actually." I said, suddenly even more excited for them to preform it. "Hmm that's Luke's favortie too! I'll be sure to dedicate our cover to you Stormy." Calum said with a wink. They each took a seat on the couch ready to preform it on camera. "Okay, three, two, one, go!"

They introduced themselves and the song, and then the room was filled with the strumming of guitars and the tapping of Ashton's drum box.

"Lights out I still hear the rain.."

Luke's voice was indescribible. He could carry the notes in the song nearly better than Alex from All Time Low himself could. Calum and Luke harmonized beautifully, it gave me chills just listening to them. I'd decided that when I got home I would be downloading this once it was posted to their channel.

"Don't waste your time on me."

They carried the last line out perfectly. I was in awe. It was one thing to hear them through a pair of headphones, but hearing them live and up close was a completely different story. I clicked the camera off, the video ending. "So what'd you think?" Ashton questioned. "Perfect. It was amazing. You guys are so talented." I said, almost too enthusiastically. "Well we appreciate you coming to record it for us. We haven't really had an audience before." I smiled. "Well I'm honored to be the first."

"So what do you guys wanna do now? It's only two o'clock. Storm doesn't have to be back until 4:30." Luke piped in. "Uhh wanna watch a movie?" Micheal suggested. We all nodded in agreement. "How about a horror movie?" Ashton smiled sinisterly at his suggestion. Micheal, Calum and Luke were all for it. I was hesistant. "Come on Storm! It'll be fun. Don't worry I'll protect you." Luke pleaded. I finally gave in causing the guys to go into fits of cheering. We decided on Insidious, regardless of my objections.

I was currently sitting almost in Luke's lap, trembling in fear. He was cracking up at my reaction. "Babe it's just a movie. It's not real." That didn't keep me from screaming my ass off at the face that had popped up on the screen. I burried my face into Luke's side. He held me tighter in his strong arms. I was not one for horror movies, and I don't know how I got talked into watching this.

The movie finally ended, but I still had my face deep in Luke's side. "Storm the movie is over now. You can look." He whispered in my ear. I lightly smakced him on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?" "Don't ever make me watch that again!" I playfully yelled at him.

"He just wanted you to watch it so he could cuddle you!" Micheal yelled across the room. I lifted an eyebrow and smirked at Luke. He only scoffed. "Totally not true asshole! Who asked you anyways?" "Luke you're in denial. Come on there's no shame in wanting to cuddle a beautiful girl like-" "It's four-thirty we should be getting you back to school huh?" Luke said, not wanting to hear any more of Micheal's teasing. I laughed, but nodded. Manny would be looking for me anyways.

We pulled up at the school just in time. Manny was just walking out. "I had a great time with you guys. Hopefully we can do it again?" They all nodded. I bid them a goodbye and climbed out of the car.

"Hey Storm!" I heard from the car. It was Luke. I turned around walking towards the car again. "I didn't get you number." I smirked, but still gave it to him, as did he.

I soon met up with Manny. "Hey how was the first day? You make any friends?" He asked, curiosisty in his tone. "It was alright, but I did make a few friends." He smiled, "Really who?" "You might not know them but, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, and Micheal Clifford. Luke is in my firt period."

He rolled his eyes a bit. "No offense, but they're total losers, and that Luke kid is bad news. I don't want you around him." His response caught me off gaurd, but I held my ground. "No offense, but I'll make my own desicions. Thanks for the heads up anyways, I'll be sure to be careful." He sighed. "I didn't mean to set you off Storm. I'm glad you made friends on the first day! I'm just warning you Luke Hemmings is nothing but a pig. He's done some terrible things to girls around here. Don't say I didnt warn you."

Aunt Nina soon pulled up, and we climbed into the large car. She of course asked me about the first day and if I'd made friends, which I happily answered. Although, in the back of my mind I couldn't shake what Manny had said about Luke. He didn't give off any bad signs to me. I wonder what he could've done to give himself such a reputation...

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