Chapter 1

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I heard my phone ring the annoying noise of an incoming call and blindly search my bed. I rub my face, squinting at my phone screen. I see a blurry picture of my green-eyed cousin. Not by blood but who gives a flying fadoodle? She's basically family.

"Yo." I greet. I tried to cover up my yawn but she heard it anyways.

"Oh god. Did I wake you? I'm sorry, I always forget about time difference." Darcy rambles on and I let out a bit of laughter.

"It's fine, Darce. I needed to get up soon anyway." I mumbled sleepily. I push across the curtain of my bunk on the bus to see that Uncle Luke was awake. That or he was sleep walking again. His bunk was empty, I could see because the curtain was also pulled back. I wonder if he's making food?

"So anyway, dad gets a break soon. Said we could all meet up and have a family reunion or something." I swing my legs out of the bunk and drop down. And then crack my skull. Just kidding, I'm only on the middle bunk. I gracefully land on my feet like a cat, or as graceful as I can be.

"Really? That's awesome! I miss uncle Harry." I hear her clear her throat on the other end. "And of course, my favorite cousin Darcy!" I coo over the line.

"Aww, thanks! You're my favorite too!" I hear shuffling on the other end. "Oh, gotta go! Dad's calling. See you soon." She calls out before hanging up. I shove my phone back on the bed and close the curtain, walking into the little kitchen. I see uncle Luke cooking, thankfully not sleep walking. I don't wanna have to get him down from the roof again.

He's cooking some waffles and bacon, wearing a kiss the cook apron. Walking behind him to get to the fridge, I grab some apple juice. I also get down a plastic cup from a cupboard and pour some juice in. Putting the liquid gold back in the fridge, I grab my cup and take a long gulp. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and give uncle Luke a kiss on the cheek. He hums a response before getting back to cooking. He starts to hum an old song by Nirvana as hr cooks. I decide to be nice and help out with breakfast, so I grab some fruit from the fridge and start chopping away.

"Careful with that knife. If you get hurt Ash'll kill me." He says. I know that he is entirely serious because, lets face it, parents are pretty protective.

"I know, I know." I say. Wouldn't hurt to mess with him. "Ow!" I cry out, in mock pain. He quickly looks over at me with a paling face and then flicks me on the nose because I'm just fine. I go crosseyed and stare at my nose, scrunching it up. He looks over again and laughs. I guess I look kinda funny, maybe like a rabbit?

I finish the fruit and set up the four little booths in the bus, two on each side. You can barely call it a booth but, whatever. I put a bowl of fruit at each table along with plates and silverware. I go back into the kitchen and grab four plates of waffles at the same time. I go back and grab the bacon because uncle Luke is done cooking and just washing dishes. Once everything is set, I head back to the bunking area. I go and wake up the children by flicking their noses. I go and shake uncle Cal and uncle Mikey awake then send them to eat. Finally, I climb onto the bunk above mine and open the curtain. I see dad snoring slightly and I giggle just a little.

"Dad? Father? Darth Vader? Wake up." I say. He groans and snuggles into his pillow further. I jump down and lay on the floor, clutching my head. I let out a yelp and wait. Soon enough my dad pokes his head out of the bunk, looks at me before rolling his eyes and getting down, careful not to smush me.

"Alright, I'm up. You can stop now." A smile grows on my face as I lift my arm up, asking him to pick me up. He lifts me with ease and then puts me over his shoulder. "Why did you wake me?" He whines. I roll my eyes.

"This thing called food." I reply. I can practically feel him roll his eyes. "I helped make it, too!" I say excitedly. He starts to walk, bumping me along with every step.

"Then it will  be extra yummy!" He says. I let out a laugh and feel him set me down. I give him a kiss on the cheek and sit at our little booth. He sits down across from me and drowns his waffles in syrup. Classy. I sip some apple juice and grab a piece of bacon to munch on. The bus fills with quiet chatter and I look around at my family.

There's uncle Mikey and his kids. He has one girl and one boy. They're one year apart, so they're pretty close. The oldest daughter is thirteen, a little younger than I am. He like to think he was the cool dad, so he let them do what they pleased. Samantha, the oldest, dyed her wavy and naturally blonde hair with lilac highlights. Having tan skin and dark brown eyes, it just works. The younger son Taylor, who's like twelve, dyed his straight and light brown hair black with a teal steak in his bangs like uncle Mikey used to have it at one point. It stands out against his pale skin and dark blue eyes. Their mother left them a few days after they were born. She claimed to be too young to handle the responsability, so she dropped it all on uncle Michael.

 Next, there's uncle Cal. He ended up with two girls, except they are two years apart. There's Stephanie, the oldest, who has sort of dark brown/black hair and hazel eyes. She's also thirteen, so her and Sam usually hang out the most. Then we have Courtney, one of the cutest eleven year olds you'll ever meet. She has short, dirty blonde hair, freckles scattered across her face and inocent little doe eyes. You just can't say no. Unless you're her father, telling her she can't dye her hair. Their mother also left, but when Steph was three and Court was about one. Her and uncle Calum were married, but she wanted a divorce as soon as touring life started. She tried getting some custody of the kids, but uncle Cal was a little bitter.

Then there was uncle Luke. He also had two children, but they were twins. They were fourteen, almost my age. One was a boy while the other was a girl. Austin, the boy who was born a minute earlier, had blonde hair like his father. He was getting the height as well. Almost taller than me. Allison actually had dark brown hair that was super straight. They both, however, had their father's iconic, bright blue eyes. Their mother left Luke and the kids for another man around three months after the twins were born.

And finally, there was me and my dad. I was an only child and totally cool with it. I got most of my traits from my dad. I got the slightly curly hair, which just curls up at the ends, and got fringe that I had to straighten every morning. Such a pain. I also got the dimples and bright hazel eyes mixed with green. My mom died giving birth to me, so I never met her at all. We didn't even have any pictures of her. Everybody told me I looked more like my dad anyway. We didn't really talk about her, I just never had the courage to bring it up. Besides, I liked the way things were now.

And that's our crazy, yet perfect family.

As breakfast was finishing, I started taking dishes to the sink for uncle Calum and his kids to clean later. It was a cycle. One family at a time. Once everything was clear, I went back to my bunk. I grabbed my phone, some clothes and went in to the bathroom. I immediately started the water to let it heat up and hit shuffle on my phone. A Demi Lovato song came on and I internally cheered. I love her so much even though she stopped making music a few years ago. I jump into the shower and start to wash my hair.

I can't sleep tonight

I'm wide awake and so cofused

Everything's in line

But I am bruised

   I sing along to one of my all time favorite songs. I rinse through my hair and start to scrub my skin. The hot water feels really nice, not gonna lie.

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Hi guys. Sorry I haven't uploaded this story very much. But in honor of my baby turning 20, here you go! No take backs! Hope you're having an awesome summer.


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