Chapter 10

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Sorry it's been like a week but school and writers block and you probs don't give a shit you just want a chapter. I'm sorry that they've all been shitty and short, I'm working on trying to make them longer. Bye!! P.S. credit to @anti-socialgirl for helping me out with some ideas for this. P.S.S. THANK YOU GUYS FOR NEARLY 1.4K YAY! 6 votes again :)

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   There was absolutely nothing to do. I was bored out of my mind. "Dad." I said.

   "What do you wamt, child?"

   "I'm so bored!"

   "Entertain yourself. I ain't your bitch." Damn, sassy dad is in the house.

   "Well then." I muttered to myself. I got off of the couch from my previous upside down position  and walked over to the door. I slid on my shoes while yelling out, "I'm going for a walk!"

   "Come back soon!"

   "Okay." I closed the door and started walking down the sidewalk. I shoved my hands in the pocket of my shorts, because Australia is too damn hot for jeans. My Blink 182 muscle tank was tucked into it with black Vans adorning my feet. I got a destination in mind and stsrted jogging into town. The cool air hit me as the little bell above my head rang. I breathed in deeply, loving the smell.

   "Elizabeth!" I smiled largely at Gavin. Not gonna lie, I have a minor crush on him. He was 18, had a tongue piercing and a few tattoos. Okay, maybe a major one. "Would you like the usual?" I nodded while walking up to the counter. He started scooping my ice cream. "So, how was the tour life?" I let out a giggle.

   "It was rather fun." I said. He smiled, causing my heart to stop.

   "That's good to hear. Here's your usual." He handed me the cone of cookie dough ice cream and icgelt my pockets.

   "Oh great." I muttered to myself.

   "Forgot money?" I nodded in embarrassment while he chuckled. "Then think of it as a welcome back present." I nodded, smiling up at his deep blue eyes that suited his blonde hair perfectly. "See you around, Lizzy." I waved to him and left the small shop, licking my ice cream.

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   I gathered up everyone else and we all went back to my place with bathing suits in hand. I opened the door, but soon wished I hadn't. "I love rock and roll!"

   "Oh no." I muttered to myself. "Why why why." I mumbled, facepalming repeatedly. The other's cracked up behind me as we all watched my dad air-guitar and knee slide across the living room floor. "Dad!" I yelled. His actions froze as the music continued.

   "Uhhh, hi." He said, rather embarrassed.

   "We're going swimming, please cjange into a bathing suit." I said, watching the other's go separate places to change. I shook my head at my dad and walked to my room. Walking over to my dresser, I found my black and blue bikini that was in the first drawer and locked my door. I slipped off my clothes before replacing them with the dark colored fabric and throwing my hair into a messy ponytail. Grabbing a pair of sunnies, I pushed them atop my head and went over to nlmy mirror. All the tweets came rushing back to me along with all the times I've been bullied, the hateful words seeming to puncture me in the heart everytime.

   I made a disgusted face at the mirror, my appearance was horrible. My hazel and green eyes seemed...dull almost. There were dark bags under my eyes, no doubt from the lack of sleep I get because of all thw racing thoughts in my head. I faked a smile at my reflection in the mirror, practicing the believable-ness of it. My hair was an absolute mess that I would need to fix later after a nice long shower. I didn't dare look any further, as I was already insecure and didn't need the mirror judging me. "Elizabeth? You coming?"

   "I'll be right out." I yell back. Grabbing the towel, I wrap it around myself before heading down the hall and out back.

   "Finally!" Dad say. I giggle and sit in one of the chairs, towel still tightly wrapped around me. "You coming in?"

   "Soon." I replied, not really knowning when 'soon' would be. I pushed the sunglasses back upon my nose as I was squinting to see. I leaned back into the chair, closing my eyes and propping my feet upon the table in front of me. I was just drifting in between consciousness when I heard my name.

   "Lizzy! We're playing chicken, c'mon!" I stood up and shakily reached up to take off my sunglasses. My hands shook as they slowly pulled off my towel and I ran straight for the water, canonballing. The water slightly stung whenci opened my eyes underneath but I swam around and spotted some legs. I swam straight for one of them and wrapped myself around it. I don't even know who's leg it is... is that weird? Oh well. My lungs demanded air so I pushed away from the leg of the person freaking out and swam to the surface, gulping in air. I coughed slightly but recovered in a minute.

   "Ready?" I smirked. I got on top dad's shoulders and he stood in front of  uncle Luke who had Austin on his back. "You're going down, Hemmings."

   He scoffed. "In your dreams, Irwin." And with that, we began. The battle was intense, many kids went down. I, waa not one of them.

   "WOO!" I screamed from on top of my dad's shoulders. We high fived slightly, not wanting to losey grip and fall off. "Dad, I think you need a haircut." I said as I ruffled his hair that was growing quite long.

   "I do what I want, I'm punk rock." I scoffed.

   A sigh came from mear us followed by, "No you're not." I laughed at this.

   "Up top, Court!"

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