Chapter 8

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   My head was pounding as I finally regained consciousness. I could feel my hands and feet first, moving my fingers a tiny bit. I heard a commotion going on around me but I was too focused on regaining feeling to listen to it. I felt my legs next, then arms before my entire body didn't have that floating feeling. 

   My back ached but I tried to push it to the back of my mind as I worked on opening my eyes, it felt as if they were superglued together. I could see a bright light behind my eyelids, making me internally cringe. I heard my name being called in a familiar voice and I tried harder to open my eyes. With great difficulty, my eyes opened only to squeeze shut from the bright, white light.

   I groaned as my eyes seemed to refuse to adjust to this bright light and my body ached. "Elizabeth!" I peeked from between the fingers of the hamd covering my face to see a concerned yet happy face.

   "Dad!" I exclaimed, removing my hand from my face and wrapping my arms around him. His arms carefully went around my back as he hugged me gently. I could tell he wanted to squeeze the living daylights out of me, but he was refraining himself because of my injuries. A throat cleared and he pulled away from me while I kept my iron grip around him. He chuckled softly and turned towards the person intruding on our father/daughter moment.

   "Nice to see you're awake, Miss Irwin." I blocked out the doctor and medical and blah blah blah stuff until I heard, "We just need to run a couple more tests and you can leave." I cheered on the inside while remaining composed on the outside, because I'm just cool like that. My family, however, isn't as cool as me. They actually cheered out loud. I saw the doctor roll his eyes, shaking his head and muttering something along the line of 'punks'. But I mean, we are pretty punk rock.

   *Bleep Blip Time Skip*

   I was finally able to leave after being poked and prodded with at least 5 needles. What really sucked though, apparently everyone had heard the news that I was in the hospital. Fans and popparazi surrounded the exit that I had to get through somehow. As we approached the glass doors, screams and camera flashes erupted, causing me to squint and shield my eyes with one hand while the other was still wrapped around my dad. The others left, one family at a time, before it was my dad and I's turn. I took a deep breath, gulped and walked forward.

   Immediately, I was bombarded with people and camera flashes as soon as the cool air hit my face. I stayed cuddled up on my dad's side with eyes shut and tried to get past everyone, but it just wasn't working out that way. I whimpered as questions were still being hurtled at us, along eith hateful things directed to me. The noise was all worsening my headache. My sore body was being grabbed at as I tried walking away with no success. "Excuse me. C-can you please stop that?" I asked quietly. It was nothing compared to the noise coming from around us though, causing my plea to go unnoticed. Well, by everybody but my dad.

   "Excuse me!" He bellowed. "Can you please just let us through without all of this? She just got released and you all need to back off!" I squeezed my dad's torso while his arms protectively went around my back. The crowd seemed to split a little bit tovlet us through, but I couldn't walk. During the first moments we were being mobbed, someone stepped on my foot that was already injured from  before, so I couldn't really walk. I limped a little and bit my lip to contain my pain, but sadly my dad was watching. One of his arms went around my back while the other went to the back of my knees, knocking my feet out from underneath me and carrying my sore self to the bus.

   "Elizabeth!" The kids came running up to me and hugged what was left of life out of me. I smiled and hugged back, missing them all so much. I felt a warm tear slide down my cheek as hugs were given and took. This was my family, the only thing that mattered right now. They were my home.

   "So, where are we headed to next?" I questioned after everyone had  calmed and settled in the back.

   "Oh uh, we're taking a break to spend some time at home."

   "Home? This is home." I said.

   "We're going back to Australia for a little bit to hopefully get this stuff to go down and for you to heal." Well, good bye tour life and welcome back Australia.

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Hi did ya miss me I hope so. So on the bus this morning my friend showed me I HIT 1FREAKINGK READS. DA FUQ?? I legit repressed a scream and ended up making animal noises to shich my sest partner said are you ok and I said in not fine at all. So as a special little thing one of you guys *maybe two* can BE IN THE STORY!! *thanks for the idea Chey* You just need to state your characters features and the reason why you wanna be in this stupid little book. So thanks for 1K and I will see ya soon!


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