Chapter 4

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   After getting out of the playground, we gathered all the children and headed back to the bus. I had been silent the entire time since our group hug. Thoughts were still swarming my mind, drowning in the words of those teenagers. How could they say those things about me? And why did they sting so much if I've heard them a thousand times before? Possibly because they don't even know me, yet insist upon these things that aren't even true. I shake my head, willing these thoughts to leave me alone.

   We arrive back on the bus and just go to our own bunks. Not me. I head towards the kitchen and pull on an apron. Yea, I'm weird and tend to bake when I'm upset or something is bothering me. What to make, what to make. Hmm.

   Cookies are good. I quickly get out all the ingredients and start preparing the batter. Nothing better than chocolate chip, a classic. The first batch goes in without a fuss, however on the second...

   "Don't do that!"

   I slap away Uncle Michael's hand with a wooden spoon. He pouts and fake glares at me but I just slap his arm with my spoon again. Not too hard though, I'm not that violent. "That is for cookies, not Uncles!" I scold. He reached for the batter again, getting another smack.

   "You're not very nice, you know." I smile at him and get back to my baking. I soon have about four dozen cookies and am starting on cupcakes when my dad walks in. His brows furrow as he looks around at the small kitchen.

   "Lizzy? What's with all this?" He asks, gesturing to the mess. I just shrug in response. He gives me a hard look. "Elizabeth. You only bake this much when you're upset. Just forget what those kids said, they don't know the real you." I could tell he was serious. He only said my full name when I was in trouble or we were being serious. I nodded, lying to my own father. It just wasn't that easy. Words stick with you, no matter what that stupid nursery rhyme about sticks and stones says. A dimpled grin forms on my dad's face as he sticks his finger in the cookie batter and eats it raw. I shake my head and roll my eyes as this happens.

   "Hey! How come you let him take some? I thought I was your favorite uncle!" I let out a laugh as Uncle Michael, a grown man, pouts because he didn't get any cookie dough. He just rolls his eyes and walks into the backroom. The smile fell off my face as I continued to bake my heart out.

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   Time passed quickly. Before I knew it we had to go up to our bunks and sleep. Well, I knew everyone else would while I stayed awake. It's not that I didn't want to sleep, trust me I did. It's just that my thoughts always tormented me at night. But it only happened on days like today,  when hurtful words were thrown my way. I was luck to fall asleep before 3am. All I had to do was wait until they all fell asleep before shoving my face in my pillow and letting it all out. Until then, I just had to keep my mind occupied.

   When soft snoring was the only noise heard throughout the bunks, I slid out of mine and started walking quietly to the back room. There was a little window seat that I always looked out. Pulling back the curtain, I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest before resting my head on the cool glass. The city lights were bright and shone as the night was just starting. Sometimes I would find myself envious of those with normal lives. I loved the tour life, don't get me wrong. But sometimes it got hard to have a famous family. I find myself wondering if I would get bullied as much if I was normal.

   It was starting to rain as I sat with my thoughts, watching the droplets race down the window. I had always loved the rain. There was no particular reason why, I just found it rather soothing. I had loved rain for as long as I can remember. The way it felt to have the cool water splashing around and in you. The way you could just dance around in the rain and forget all of your problems. It was a nice feeling and I had a sudden urge to do just that. Tip-toeing back to my bunk, I threw a large sweatshirt dad gave me on as well as my Vans. I checked to make sure everyone was still sleeping before slipping into the rain. It pounded on my legs, as I was wearing track shorts, but it felt nice and cool compared to the warm bus.

   I looked around where we were parked and noticed a small park very close. I walked in the rain to the swing set before sitting and wrapping my hands around the metal bars. I kicked off with my feet, slowly rocked back and forth. I smiled as a memory of when I was younger came to mind. I was maybe four years old and dad wanted to take me to a park. There was a small one near our house so he took me to play by the swings. He was pushing me as I giggled like a child on a sugar rush, and I couldn't remember being that happy in a long time.

   "Care for some company?" I slammed my feet on the wet dirt as my eyes widened and I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. The person, I soon found was a boy, chuckled at this. A slight shiver ran down my spine and I couldn't tell if it was from him or the rain. "Well?" He prompted. I just nodded. I mean, I didn't own the park or anything. He sat down and I resumed rocking on the swing. His actions copied mine and I found a small smile forming on my face. "So, what brings you here, at one in the morning, in the rain?"

   I snorted, so attractive, before answering. "Just clearing my head." He suddenly smiled widely and shot up. I stared at him as he stepped in front of me before holding out his hand. I furrowed my eyebrows before hesitantly placing my palm against his. He gripped my hand and pulled me up, dragging me behind him to the little clearing near the center.

   "May I have this dance?" He questioned, bowing his head slightly. I bit my lip to contain my laugh before answering.

   "Why yes, you may." He looked up and grinned at me before grabbing my hand in his while the other went to my waist. I put my free hand on his shoulder and we just danced around like idiots while smiling til our cheeks hurt. He spun me around and I let out a small giggle while spinning. I feel happy, like nothing could ruin this moment. I guess I can add this to the list of reasons I love the rain.

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