Chapter 15

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   I sat at the window seat in my room, head resting against the cool glass. I watched as a woman walked her dog across the street, a car going by with a man in a suit driving it. I watched as the trees moved from wind picking up speed. Watched as rain started to drizzle from the clouds. As it soon picked up to loud crashes of thunder and bright strikes of lightning. I watched as the world carried on, yet mine stopped. Just, watched. A sigh escaped my lips as my phone brought me back into reality. Peter. I picked up the call. "Peter."

   "Elizabeth. How are you today?"

   "I'm," I hesitated. "Okay, I guess." I said with a sigh.

   "Lizzy. Don't lie to me." I swallowed hard.

   "Today is, um, i-is the three month anniversary of her..." I trailed off into a whisper.

   The other side of the line is quiet before I hear, "I'm so sorry Elizabeth."

   I chuckle sadly. "Don't apologize Peter. Please."

   "Elizabeth, can you come out here?"

   I slowly moved from my position at the window. "I'll call you back, Peter." My bones creaked from being in the same position for so long as I stretched out. I glumly walked down the hallway towards the living room, stoping in my tracks at my dad and a women sitting on the couch. "Dad?"

   "Dear lord Ashton. Did you turn our baby girl  emo?" My eyes widened.

   "Our?" I put extra emphasis on the word. "What are you talking about?"

   A heavy sigh left my dad's lips. "Sit down, Lizzy."

   "Dad, what is she talking about? Mom died after my birth." I said, not moving from my stance.

   "Really Ashton? You told her I died?"

   My breathing increased. "Well it was less painful than saying 'oh your mom isn't with us because she hates me and wants nothing to do with you'!"

   "Well what about those times I want to visit her?  She would've flipped out."

   "How was I supposed to know you would want to visit her? You made it pretty damn clear you didn't want to see her ever again when you left me after having her for a month! A fucking month!"


   "Stop!" I shouted. "Is it true?" I asked quietly.

   "Is what true dea-"

   "Is she really my mother? Have you been lying to me my entire life?" I said loudly. The silence that followed proved it. "Wow. I'm fucking done."

   "Watch your mouth young lady." The woman said. It doesn't feel right to call her mom.

   "No! You have absolutely no say in anything I ever do because as soon as you walked out on us you lost everything you ever had with me." I turned and bolted out the door, my words still left to fill the silence of the living room. I didn't care that it was raining. I didn't care that I had no shoes on. I didn't care that my clothes were cold and soaking wet, sticking to me like glue. All I cared about was that I had to get out of that house.

   I ran and ran, looking for something familiar yet the rain was blurring everything. Along with my tears. I can't believe this. Fifteen years and not once has she tried to do anything, and now she comes along. But what hurts more is the fact my own dad lied to me for my entire life. I'm a strong person, I could've taken it. Stopping wherever I was, my hands rested on my knees as I tried to regulate my uneven breathing. Why was I even crying?

   A car honk startled me, causing me to look up and see bright white lights. I was paralyzed in fear, nothing but a strangled cry coming from my parted lips. I closed my eyes and waited. Yet, the impact didn't come. Instead, I heard a screech of tires and a car door slam. "What the hell are you doing in the middle of the ro-... Lizzy?"

   I squinted through the rain, noticing a tuft of blonde hair. "Uncle Luke!" I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, tears still leaking through my closed eyes. My body shook from the cold rain and sobs raking through me.

   "Elizabeth, what are you doing out here? And in the middle of the road?" I just shook my head, unable to make a coherent sentence. "C'mon, let's get you in the car. You're gonna catch a cold." He said worriedly.


   I groggily opened my eyes, greeted by darkness. I heard a voice and pacing footsteps outside the room. I shivered slightly. "What the hell, Ashton?" I blinked rapidly at the sound of my dad's name. "You can't just dump that on her, especially today of all days. I found her in the middle of the fucking road, crying and she couldn't even tell my why! You have no fucking excuse so save it. I have to go." I shut my eyes as I heard the door open softly. Uncle Luke's footsteps padded through the room over to the bed I'm on. He stroked my damp hair, comforting me.

   "Why did he lie?" I whispered in the silence.

   "I don't know Lizzy. I really don't."

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   Momma llama drama .-.

-What do you guys think of Taylor's new album?? It's ok if you're noy much of a fan butbhonestly I think it's her best yet. AND HER PERFORMANCE ON THE AMA'S WAS FLIPPIN AWESOME. Anyways, what's your fav song *of you have one*? Mine is Bad Blood

-What is your opinion on 1d's new album?? HOLY CRAP I LOVE IT SO MUCHS. FAV SONG(S)?? Mine are Stockholm Syndrome, Once In A Lifetime, Fools Gold and Night Changes. But let's face it they're all amazing

-What are your fav Youtubers?? Mine are Connor Franta, Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil

-LAST ONE I SWEAR SORRY FOR SO MANY. Would you mind checking out my story She's Trouble? *shameful self-promotion* OH AND MY FRIENDS @anti-socialgirl AND @hi_or_hey_hemmings ARE GONNA BE MAKIN A STORY WITH ME. IT SHOULD COME OUT SOON SOOO. Ily my little pajama llamas :----)

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