Chapter 12

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   Guuuuuys my birthday was Wednesday so I thought I'd update :-) I keep updating without reaching my goals... still 6 please!!

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   I was so bored. The studio was usually fun but for some reason, even my phone wasn't entertaining me. I layed upside down on the chair with my head dangling and legs kicking back and forth. I let out a sigh as my mind blanked from boredom. "Why did I go?" I questioned myself. None of the other kids came so I was all freaking alone. "I could've stayed in bed and relaxed but no."

   "You know, talking to yourself is a sign of bad mental stability."

   "And you think I was mentally stable in the first place?" I answered in a monotonous voice. Looking up, I froze. How did I not recognize that voice before? "Oh, hey Gavin." I smiled nervously as my chest fluttered.

   "Hi." He chuckled. He stared at me, tilting his head. "So, what are you doing?" I remember how I'm positioned and my eyes widen.

   "Oh uh. You see-" I cut myself off. "Ow." I moan in pain as I rub my head. Of course I would fall off the chair and in front of an attractive person. I see him suppress a laugh and glare at him.

   "Sorry, sorry." He says whilst putting his hands in the air as if surrendering. He comes over and stands above me. "How did you even manage to do that?"

   "I'm freaking talented man." I grumble. He extends his hand out to me, which I take. I feel his larger hand envelope mine with his warmth and strong grip that lifts me easily off of the ground. When I balanced on my own feet, my breath caught. There was so little space between Gavin and I, If I took one step forward our chests would touch. O gulped. "So um. Thanks. For helping me up, I mean." I stutter slightly, going to step away.

   With no words, Gavin's hands grab my arms and pull me back to him. This time our chests were touching. My heart fluttered rapidly as I struggled to let air down my throat. His hands slid up my bare arms, going across my shirt clad shoulders and stopping behind my neck. My lips felt dry. Very dry. I licked them slightly as I met his gaze. I heard him mumble something before he pulled my mouth to his. I reacted immediately.

   My arms went to his neck as his slid to my hips. I couldn't believe what was happening. Sure I had dreamed of how this moment would go down, but I never imagined it'd actually happen. My hands went to his shaggy hair and raked through it. We both pulled back at the same time, my eyes closed. I opened them to find his deep brown eyes staring right into mine, causing a shafe of red to coat my cheeks.

   A noise was heard outside of the room we were in and Gavin stepped away from me. Winking at me, he kissed my cheek before saying, "I'll see you later, Lizzy." He exited the room, leaving me next to the couch whilst touching my cheek, as if preserving the memory.

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   I grabbed the computer and pulled it onto my blanket covered lap. Logging onto Skype, Lexi immediately started calling me. "Hi!" I cheerily said, smiling and waving at her. She did not return the gesture. I immediately knew something was wrong. "Lex?"

   She had previously been staring at her lap, but when I said her name she brought her gaze up to me. My eyes widened at the tears flowing out of hers. This Skype call would be different, I just felt it. "Elizabeth, got worse." She muttered out sadly.

   My world froze.

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