Chapter 14

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That sexy thing as Peter cuz dayum. So uh I go to update and glance at the reads and...I die. 3K WHAT EVEN I JUST ASDFGHJKL!! Oh and I will soon have a computer for longer updates instead of just on my phone cuz sweg. Peace out my beautiful rainbow trouts!

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   I smoothed out my black dress, staring at the hotel mirror in front of me. A tear trickled down my cheek, four months. I didn't even try to stop the tears from flowing further, I knew any attempt would be futile. A knock sounds on the chipped, wooden door. "Come in." My trembling voice cracked. I saw a head of wavy, brown hair peek through the crack made by the opened door.

   "Hey Lizzy." My dad's voice says softly. I sniffle, glad I'm only wearing waterproof mascara. He walks all the way in and holds my shoulders. He looks me over before pulling me into him. "It's gonna be okay."

   How do you know that? "I miss her."

   "I know you do Liz." He soothes.

   "She was like the sister I never had." I sniffle into hus shoulder. He strokes my hair, something he knows calms me down. I pull away a few minutes later whilst wiping underneath my eyes.

   "C'mon." He mumbles to me. I lean into his side as we walk out of my room and towards the main area. We greet uncle Luke and his kids with slight nods, the suffocating silence defeaning. I fumble with my fingers to distract myself from the events occurring aroumd me. I watch the three guys wearing black suits, one of them my father, walk out the door and wait for the two girls in black dresses, one of the being me, to follow them out.

   Off to the funeral.


   The service was beautiful. The tent it was being held in due to rainy weather was decorated with lilys, Lexi's favorites. The dark oak box stood in front of me in a taunting manor. My officially unofficial sister rested in there, dead. And all I could do was slowly watch the disease take over her body whilst reassuring her you would never guess she had cancer. I was disgusted with myself for all the lying, but if you were in my place you'd do the same. I had spoken in front of everyone, telling the stories we shared about all the all-nighters and what not. I'm not gonna lie, I teared up a lot.

   I sat in one of the foldable chairs under the dull grey tent as I watched people socializing. My father sat next to me at one point but managed to disappear when I was diving deeper and deeper into my own thoughts. The air around me seemed to grow uncomfortably hot the longer I stayed and thought. Pretty soon I was going insane and knew I needed to get the hell away from here. I quickly hopped out of my chair amd smoothed my dress down again. I walked away from the tent and sped down the sidewalk to try and regain my breathing.

   The town of her funeral held so many memories for me. Mostly bad, yet two amazing ones stuck out. The day I met Lexi and our immediate sister bond was the first. That particular one made my chest tighten. The next was of rain. Rather, dancing in the rain with a boy. A soft smile over took the frown upon my face as I indulged that memory. My tears dried, yet I felt something wet on my face. And my arms. I looked up at the sky in disbelief, seeming as though my walk down memory lane caused it. I looked around me at the are that seemed so familiar. I had been walking longer than I thought, my reminiscing causing me to lose track of time. To my right was, "No way." I muttered. I held my dress as my jog turned into a run as I darted towards the place my beautiful memory was created.

   I ran my hand softly across the swing seat with a soft smile upon my face. "Well hello there."

   "No. Way." I mutter again. I keep my widened gaze frozen on the swing.

   "Haven't seen you in a while, aye Lizzy?" I turn around with a wide grin on my face.

   "Peter!" We both jog towards each other and end in a warm embrace. I breath in his scent, the smell of vanilla and musk. I love it. He steps back with hands on my shoulders as he examines me. His eyebrows furrow in concern as his blue eyes scan over my face. His hands cup my cheeks and the pads of his thumbs run across the dried tear marks. I unconsciously nuzzle my head into his hand.

   "Why were you crying Liz?" My breath catches in my throat as the reason of why I'm here in the first place  comes to mind. My knees buckle underneath me as my thoughts all crash into me at once. "Woah!" Peter exclaims as him arms wrap around my waist to prevent me from falling. I gripped his shirt with my shaky hands to try and steady myself, but it was no use. Tears fall down my face as my voice shakes.

   "A-a funeral." His mouth forms a little 'o' and he immediately wraps his arms around me and moves us towards a bench where he sits down and pulls me on top of him. I curl into him to keep warm from the cold drizzle around us as he pets my hair and hgs me tightly. I lose track of time and am calmed down to where I almost fall asleep until a voice cuts through the thick haze of my mind.





I almost stopped there lmao




   "Dad?" I croak, rubbing at the dry tear tracks staining my face as I sit up. Or rather, as much as I can whilst sitting on Peter's lap. Oh shit this looks bad.

   "Elizabeth I've been searching ages for you! And who the hell is this?" He seethes with a glare pointed at Peter.

   "Hi, I'm Peter." I physically face palm at the stupidity. He holds out his hand for my dad to shake, the one not around my waist, and I watch as my dad looks back and forth between Peter's face and his hand with a permanent glare embedded upon his face. "So is that a no on the hand shake or..?" I bite down on my lip to stop from showing emotion.

   "Elizabeth, I will ask you again. Who is this?" My dad asks through gritted teeth.

   "This is Peter." I say nonchalantly. He glares. "Ok well long story short, I went to the park once during the tour and came to this playground, it was raining, and I met Peter." He seems to calm down a bit and is now not mad at Peter.

   "Okay then, but why did you leave the service?" I looked up and blinked to try and hold back the tears that seemed to never end.

   "I-I couldn't handle it." My voice cracks pathetically and Peter hugs me tightly. I watch as my dad finally cracks with softened eyes and tears threatening to spill. He holds open his arms and I get off of Peter to embrace him.

   "I love you, Lizzy." Dad mutters into my hair as he strokes it.

   "I love you too dad." I whisper into his neck, where I nuzzled my head. I feel another pair of arms hug me from behind and sniffle slightly.

   "Group hug anyone?"

   "Peter, get off."

   "Sorry, Mr. I."

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