Chapter 17

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*Dan Howell's voice* Right, ok... this chapter kept deleting itself so it's a lil late sorry but hey it hasn't been a month

   "Let me get this straight. Your dad lied to yoi for your entire life, brings this chick in and pretends like nothing happened?" I nod as Dan speaks back what I explained to him.


   "What a dick move." I laugh slightly. "So now you're here, in London, with no place to go?"

   "Yeah, I didn't really think this through I guess." I sigh sadly.

   "Well," he draws out. "You could always stay with me and Phil."

   My eyes widened with shock. "A-are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose." I said.

   "Well I can't let you be a fucking hobo, you'll get mobbed." I nodded before attacking my fringetastic friend with a hug. Actually, more like a really awkward side hug. Nonetheless, he laughed and patted my back before we broke away and started talking about everything and nothing.


   The flight passed by rather quick,  filled with conversations, movies and sleep. We got off of the plane together, making our way to baggage claim. Grabbing our suitcases, Dan and I walked over to another fringetastic person. Dan grins at Phil's confusion. "Dan... why do you have a teenage girl with you? A famous one, at that."

   "Well, I was thinking we could kidnap her for a few days-"

   "I'm a hobo." I stated. Poor Phil. He was so confused it was adorable. "Kidding." I giggled.

   "Can we keep her? Please!" Dan pleaded as if I were a puppy. Phil rolled his eyes.

   "Fine, Daniel." He said in a teasing tone. I looked in between the two, wiggling my eyebrows.

   "Kinky ones, you are." I said in a Yoda voice. Their cheeks heated up and they spluttered over their words, making me laugh. "So, where is this place to prevent me from hobo-ing out my days?"


   "Welcome." Dan said creepily. I was out of breath. For someone who can run a mile in minutes, I really need to work out.

   "That is a shit ton of stairs." I panted. Phil pat my back with mock sympathy.

   "You get used to it." He said. Dan headed to the kitchen, walking into it. By 'it' I mean the glass door mentioned in the Apartment Tour video. I followed an amused Phil and cursing Dan into the kitchen as the first grabbed an ice pack from the freezer.

    "Does this happen often?" I asked in amusement.

   "Quite." Phil said, equally amused. Dan snatched the cold pack, placing it on his forehead and grumbling curse words under his breath. "Dan, show her to the guest room."  I turned, following Dan throughout the flat. He pointed out other rooms to me, living, dining, bath and their bedrooms, before we ended up in front of a plain white door.

   "Psst. Open it." Dan whispered to me. I laughed, twisting the doorknob and finding a cute little bedroom with a bed, dresser and closet. I had my suitcase in one hand and dropped it before sprinting for the bed.  I landed with a soft thud and cuddled into the soft fabric. The fatigue stsrted kicking in as I mumbled a 'good night' to Dan before passing out.

Ashton's POV

   I paced across my living room, hands in my hair out of frustration. "Where is she?" I mumbled.

   "Relax, Ash. I'm sure she's at a friend's house or something."

   "Relax? Relax? My only child is  out there somewhere, by herself doing I don't even know what, and you expect me to relax?!"

   "Are yiy sure she's not at a friend's?" Michael asked calmly.

   "I've called all her friend's parents, none of your kids are with her, she hasn't even been on her social media for nearly a day. Yes, I am sure Michael." I said throuhh gritted teeth. Luke has been staying quiet the whole time. " Luke? She talked to you last, right?

   "She said something about England." He mumbled.

   "England?!" I cried.

   "Ashton, calm yourself. Mali lives there, remember? I can just call her and have her find Lizzy." Calum said. I couldn't calm down. Not until I was with my daughter again.

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