12. twelve hours

164 2 0

Day 3 9.30 am

I woke up with a sudden jerk and scan my surroundings to confirm that i might be dreaming and I'm still safe and sound in my bed. I dont know when i slept yesterday but i do know that i got awake by a sudden noise over here.

There is some new maid who seems too young to be working. A maid maybe whose just gotten breakfast for me and the noise was about the shift in curtains. God its such a beautiful sunny day.

I wish i was back at my home enjoying my dreams after doing my duty. But here i am dreading every day and wishing every night to be passed with my vurtue still intact in my vagina. Oh god that was hilarious but i couldnt even form a smile. 

Yesterday i was relaxing in my room going through social media when he just came in my room at evening and i dreaded the worst.

He eyed the phone in my hand and came forward and settled on the bed. He passed a glance at my injuries and ask me to pass my phone to him.

I was wondering why is he asking for my phone back but gave it reluctantly. He typed something here and there probably checking what i was upto and gave me back.

" You need to post these pictures to your social account. " he said and i gave a look at my phone and there was a mail send to me which was already opened. I gave a glance and there were pics of me enjoying in a club relaxing on a beach and much more. Before i coukd speak he said " Yes they are totally photoshopped. You need to post this so your friends family and whoever so concern gets the idea you are safe and enjoying. After this they will totally be out of hook. " i wanted to argue but he had already warned me he dont want to have same arguments again and again but i still tried

" what will they think of me that rather then giving a testimony for my fathers innocence I'm out there enjoying. My mother will hate me more " he shrugged his shoulders like he doesn't care.

" i want it done before you sleep. Understood? " I nodded in approval trying my best not to cry

" come in " he ordered and A man came behind him carrying a food tray and left at his nod. He looked right in my eyes and spoke his words " Since tonight you are hurt I'm leaving you but I'm giving you time till tomorrow night to cope up with your issues and your injury too. It will be best in both of our interest if you just accept this " i jerked my head to the side to clearly tell him no amount of time is gonna change my decision

He placed a finger on my chin and tilted it towards him again " i want you to have your food and this time dont you dare deny my direct order and add some more mistakes to your list already. Understood? "

" okay " he placed a kiss on my forehead and once again reminded me of his orders and left.

I posted the pictures with heavy heart and ate my food with empty stomach and thanking god for this injury which saved me from the devil i slept crying.

" Boss wants you to be ready in half an hour and he will come here to meet you since your leg is hurt. " her voice broke my thoughts and for a small woman her voice is too much firm. I quickly went to the bathroom to just brush my teeth and lazily came back and had my breakfast

Mac and Cheese having in the morning is really pleasant to eat with hard coffee soothinv my nerves

Exactly ten minutes later as i was sipping my coffee he arrived and i didnt even glance in his direction and continued my breakfast

But my whole body flinched wen he yelled for a name which i guess was the maid.

The same young lady whose name is martha or mary i dont know came inside trembling holding a mop in his hand.

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