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9 years old  ...

Two months later and still living the same life as I was years ago. 

Bruises all over my body as I felt pain. And only pain. 

I felt like crying again just screaming into my pillow letting it all out. 

But I didn't. 

Screaming and crying didn't do anything. 

If this is how it was going to be..then I'd better get use to it. 

Starting with trying to unlock my door so I could use the bathroom. 

"C'mon!" I screeched trying to unlock the knob but it wasn't budging. 

I was about to give up until I almost had my accident. 

I started to sweat a whole bunch. 

"I-I have to hold it a bit longer. Just a little longer." I told myself.

I tried yelling for my mom that I had to use the bathroom but she didn't respond. 

On purpose.

"Of course I forgot..she doesn't care." I stated. 

I then got one of my bobby-pins and tried unlocking the door successfully doing so and rushed to the bathroom. 

"Should've done that a while ago."  I thought. 

Once I was done I of course washed my hands then got back in my room as soon as possible.

With so much sweat running down my forehead and down my neck I heard my mom coming up the stairs. 

I rushed to my bed and sat there before she came in looking at me suspiciously. 

"Why is this door unlocked?" She asked and I gulped. 

"I-I had to use the bathroom so I unlocked it." I stuttered and cursed myself for acting like such a wimp. 

"Unlocked the door with what?" She said slowly making me gulp harder.

"My bobby-pin." I held out.

She snatched the bobby-pin out of my hand and threw it somewhere.

"Who gave you fucking permission to exit this room?" She harshly cussed. 

"I-I really had to use the bathroom a-and-"

"SHUT UP!" She then slapped me again and pushed me up against the wall having myself hit my head against the counter of the window. 

I winced and felt tears. 

"No, not again!" 

I could here my insides screaming for me to get out of my mom's grip and defend myself.

But just like any other time...I refused. 

Sweat formed on my back and hands as well meanwhile waiting for my mom to punch me in the gut. 

And she did. 

About five more times having me hear a crack-bone coming from side, pain shooting up all the way to my face. 

"M-mom okay t-that's enough." I chocked out.. which I believe was blood. 

"Aww your bleeding." She cooed. "How pity." She darkened and walked out the room locking it behind her. 

I silently cried while I trembled to the ground holding my side knowing that it was broken. 

"Oh god it hurts!" I quietly bawled praying that this madness could just stop. 

"Why dad!? Why!?" I asked myself in frustration. 

"Why did you leave me!?" I cried having blood drip from my lip. 

I shook my head and went to sleep wishing that I was with my non-abusive grandparents 

Still sweaty as well. 

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