Why and Where

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*Riley POV*

"How could you?" 

I asked as Karoline just stared at me and I just stared at her back. 

"Well?" I asked again crossing my arms this time.

"Riley I'm-" She stopped as she looked down before I saw a tear escape from her left eye. 

Then to my surprise, Karoline fell to the ground as she wept.

My eyes at this before I walked over to Karoline and keeled down to her level. 

"Karoline?" I asked gently. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

I sighed before pulling her in for a hug. 

"I know.."

She shook her head against my chest before speaking again. 

"You told me not to b-but I did. I just had to you just w-wouldn't understand." 

I looked down at her as confusion was written on my face.  

"What do you mean 'I had to'?"

She looked back up at me before looking back down. 

"Y-Your mom slashed my mom's arm with her knife and-" 

She didn't finish and I could tell that she didn't want to so I just nodded before bringing her back to my chest.


*Karoline POV*

I was so glad that she understood. 

But we couldn't stay like this forever. I had to go to my mom to make sure she was alright. 

So I stood up as Riley looked up at me with confusion. 

"I'm going to go check on my mom..." 

I took a deep breath before speaking again. 

"D-Do you want to come?" 

I bit my lip as I waited for a response but all Riley did was look down. 

"Okay." She whispered as I turned back around since I thought she didn't feel like coming. 

"Are you sure?" I asked her before grabbing her hands and pulling her up to stand. 

Riley nodded as I took her hand in mine again and we both closed the door behind us. 



I yelled as I ran down the stairs with Riley right behind me. 

"Mom where are yo-" 

I gasped. 

"MOM!" I yelled as I saw the what was right in front of me. 

My mom tied to our kitchen chair while a knife was pointed at her throat. 

I saw a line of blood already dripping down her throat as it slowly slid down to her neck.  

I gulped before turning to Riley. She looked as petrified as I was. 

"M-mom?" It was Riley who spoke this time. 

"Yes, sweety?" Riley's mom asked coldly as I shivered. 

"What are you doing?" 

Riley took a step closer to her mom before she dug the knife deeper into my mom's throat. 

"Not another step Riley. Or Karoline's mom gets it." 

"Mom, why are you doing this?" Riley asked as I saw a tear roll down her cheek. 

I started to get frustrated and annoyed at how stupid this lady was being right now. 

Like what kind of mother acts like this?! 

No wonder Riley ran away from this motherfu-" 

"I just want my daughter back." The woman innocently replied which made me sick to the stomach. 

"Well, she's not going back with you." I stepped in but was still clearly watching the blade on my mom's throat." 

"Karoline, Riley please get out of here." My mother pleaded making me shake my head. 

Damn, for an eleven-year-old I was pretty confident.

... Well not really. The insides of me were screaming for me just to run and hide. 

"Just give me my daughter back before someone get's hurt." Riley's mother slowly monotoned. 



*Riley POV*

I shook my head in disbelief at my mother's actions. 

I mean yeah she's abused me over a thousand times before and yelled at me like a crazy woman but I never knew that she was this crazy that she would go and do something like this... 

What? Just so she could take me back and torture me again? 


Didn't Karoline just call them like twenty-five minutes ago?

Something just wasn't right...

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