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*Riley POV*

As I went with the officer whose name I didn't know yet, she got in the front seat of her police car as I looked around seeing some gadgets and random buttons that I didn't know belonged in a police car. 

But that wasn't really important at this point...

"What's gonna happen to my mother?" I asked her as she pulled out from the curve and started driving... maybe to the police station...

Wait then what was gonna happen to me? Was I gonna go to a foster home? Was I gonna get foster parents? What about my grandparents and dad? Will they find out what has happened? 

W-Will my mom finally go to jail?

"Well, it depends..." The officer replied making me confused but nod anyway. 

"But before we get into all of that may I ask what your name is?" 

"Riley," I mumbled. 

"Riley is a beautiful name, mine is Amelia." 

After the exchange of names and a little information, I started to get more comfortable. 

But that's when we just had to get back to my mother's consequences. 

"Riley, after the information I have digested, your mother is gonna have to go to jail for a while for abusing you, all those years." 

I nodded as tears breamed in my eyes. 

And to be a hundred percent honest I was happy...really. 

It's just that where was I gonna go? Who was gonna take care of me now? 

"Do you have any relatives or at least any that are close?" Amelia asked me as I shook my head. 

I mean I had my grandparents but there was no way that I was gonna go over to them...

I just didn't want to be a burden. 

"Any close friends?" 

That's when I remembered. 

One close friend...


As I told her she asked me if I knew her address which thankfully and surprisingly I remembered.

"Wait, am I gonna stay with Karoline?" I asked. 

Amelia glanced at me before turning her attention back to the road. 

"Yes, ...well only if her parents say so." 

"And if not?" 

"Then," Amelia sighed before she spoke. 

"Then, we're gonna have to find you some foster parents." 

As the word, 'foster parents' came out of her mouth I shuddered. 

I didn't want to have to live with strangers!

After a while, I then found ourselves in front of Karoline's dead driveway. 

Her porch light that was usually on was off along with all the lights inside her house. 

"A-Are you gonna walk me in?" I asked her as she nodded. 

We got out of the car but I just stood there frozen on the sidewalk looking directly at Karoline's house. 

So many memories barged my head as I felt the tears form again. 

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