Used To

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A/N: This chapter will be about one of Riley's happier memories before her dad moved away and one memory where her parents fight about her dad leaving anyway...


*3rd POV*

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Riley, Happy Birthday to you." 

Riley's mom and dad sang as their beautiful daughter blew out her number 3 candles.

"What did you wish for Riley?" Christina asked with a bright smile.

"CAKE!" Riley squealed taking a handful of cake in her small hand. 

Riley's parents smiled down at their daughter knowing that she was gonna become an amazing person they knew she would become when she grew up. 

"Riley, you ready to open presents?" Riley's dad asked her before taking her down from the chair. 

"What? I GET PRESENTS?!" Riley simpered. 

"Yes, sweetie of course you do." Christina nodded. 

"It's your birthday, of course, you get presents."  Her dad chuckled before he handed Riley a small square shaped one that had a pink bow on it. 

"Can I open it?" Riley asked with her brown puppy eyes. 

Christina chuckled before nodding. 


Riley then carelessly opened her present and gasped. 

"A bracelet?!" Riley gaped cutely at her parents before putting the shiny thing on. 

It had fake diamonds surroundings the few layers of silver and gold that was shining directly into Riley's eyes. It had the letter R in the middle with few Crystal's dangling from the middle as well.

"Thank you, mommy and daddy," Riley giggled and hugged both of her parents in a tight bear hug before running up the stairs giggling. 

"Honey where are you going!" Christina shouted before Riley replied with another giggle. 

"To play with dollies!" She shouted back before closing her door behind her. 

"But she didn't even open up all her presents yet." Riley's dad said with both his eyebrows raised. 

Christina just chuckled at that before looking up at the stairs where Riley ran up playfully. 

"Let's just let her be, I mean it is her birthday so she'll have plenty of time to open up her presents." 

He nodded before bringing Christina to his chest and he laid his head on top of hers. 

She then spoke as she laid her head on his chest. "I'm so glad to have the both of you in my life. Seriously, you and Riley are everything to me." 

"I couldn't agree more."  He said as he embraced his wife. 


*2 years later*

Riley was hiding up in her room since she couldn't go downstairs due to the fact of her parents screaming and shouting. 

But she could still hear everything clearly and winced at the anger and the inappropriate words that her parents told her not to use since they were "bad". 

But if they were bad then why were they using them?...

"You fucking asshole! How the hell are you just gonna leave me and Riley by ourselves?!" 

Riley heard her mom yell down their stairs and she winced as they continued. 

"Chistina I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore, you've just changed."

"Liam, are serious? What about Riley?! You can't just leave her, we need you!" 

"I-I need you." 

"Leave me?" Riley thought.

Wait, her daddy was leaving?!

"I'm sorry Christina but I just don't love you anymore...I-I can't live like this...tell Riley I love her and will come and visit soon."


Riley heard her mom shout before she heard a door slam closed. 

She slowly opened her door fully since it was only cracked and slowly went down the stairs only to hear her moms sobs. 

Why was her mom crying?

And where was her dad going?

Once she reached the last step as her bare feet touched the cold floor, she walked over to her mom who was on the ground with her legs crossed and her face in her hands as tears dropped down into her lap. 

"Momma?" Riley softly said which startled Christina a little before calming down. 

"Why are you crying?" She asked her mom who just stared at her with teary eyes. 

Christina then looked away from her daughter before getting up off the floor and headed up the stairs to her room completely ignoring her daughter's question. 

Riley was so confused but then just followed her mom's actions and reached her room and knocked since Christina's door was closed.

"Mom! Where's dad?" She asked innocently. 

Then her mom's door opened with an annoyed expression on her face. 

"He's gone." She said harshly before speaking again. 

"Now go to your room and play with your dolls before I take them all away."  She said coldly before slamming the door in her daughter's face. 

Riley eyes widen at her mom's sudden change in behavior before obeying her mom's orders and went into her room, closing the door behind her.

She then glanced at all her dolls before grabbing one and sat on her bed with her head tilted. 

"I wonder what happened?" She said to her doll who just stared back at her with wide eyes. 

"I mean we all used to be happy but now..." 

Riley paused before sighing softly and laying down on her bed with her head on her pillow and doll squished up against her chest. 

"But now daddy's gone." She whispered as tears started to flow down her face. 

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