Chapter 5 - Abby

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I can't believe Olivia figured out a way to get us to tour together! This is just what I needed, to travel around the world, singing songs from my record, and spending time with my best friend! I'm still shocked how quickly Liv was able to put this all together, she's such a boss! We aren't even on the same label yet here I am rehearsing with my band for the Europe dates of her Nomad tour -- the name is fitting for all the moving and shaking Liv has been leading her life — never in one place for too long, unless I ask her to stay in LA.

I hope my voice can withstand performing every other night for THOUSANDS of people. Liv said every show that they I announced I'd be opening for has already sold out and it's not like Liv performs at small venues -- these are arenas!

I'm so proud of these songs -- of my music. I just hope everyone else likes it at the concerts. I remember when I first started to record this album, Monty was a huge inspiration for 90% of the songs. I was so afraid of the album failing I asked Liv to come on and produce it for me. She's a genius and I knew having her on the album with me would give it the extra boost it needed. But she wouldn't do the entire album, she said I didn't need her name to sell this record, my voice on its own was enough, I pouted and she produced four of the songs -- all of them I released as singles and went platinum.

"Can we hit it from the top one more time?" Abby asked frustrated.

"Something is a little off..." Oliva said slyly from the back of the mirror-lined rehearsal space.

Abby snapped around defensive at first, but immediately smiled when she saw who was soliciting unwanted criticism.

"Oh? And you think you can do better, Ms. Julliard?" Abby tested.

With a smirk, Olivia skipped over to Abby's mic and said, "from the top but try it a half beat faster. 5...6...7...8..."

"Eyes on me. Don't worry about anyone else," Olivia whispered in my ear with a smile as the music started.

I waited for my best friend's cue, watched as she commanded and led my band. It came so naturally for her, all she had to do was close her eyes and it was like she could see every note every instrument was playing. I sang under her command, I watched her gestures as she cued me...higher...lower..faster...

The bass faded and everyone was silent.

"Holy crap..." Jax, my bassist, said.

We all looked in awe that Olivia's simple "go a half beat faster" changed the entire song. Applause spread throughout the room and Liv put one arm around me as we bowed for our 10 person audience.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my best friend. She looked tired. She was in workout clothes -- skin tight black leggings that fit every curve of her body, a cut up Beyonce world tour shirt and a maroon sports bra. She just flew in this morning and she already went for a work out? Hmm...

She hugged me and held on longer than a normal hug as a greeting. I could feel something was off with my friend.

"I'm tired, munch," she sighed into my shoulder.

She was back from her second leg of her tour. She had 8 days before we both left for the last half of the tour. She'd been texting me and facetiming me throughout the tour, at each city, whenever she wasn't doing press or at soundcheck and she always said she was fine but I knew. I knew she was burning out. She had 8 days to take a breather before she was go-go-go again but that didn't seem like it was going to be enough time for her to recover. She killed the national part of the tour, but left for the south American leg right after and I hadn't physically seen her for two and a half months.

"I know," I consoled.

"I just need another coffee or something," Olivia brushed off the exhausted look on her face and smiled at me.

"Anyways! I'm here to see how rehearsal is going and I wanted to surprise you! I know we were supposed to have dinner with everyone later but I couldn't wait to hear you sing and to just see you.....I've missed you, munch," said Olivia.

"I've missed you more! Did you just work out?" I asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, sorry, do I smell?" she blushed.

"No, no of course not. Are you feeling okay? You gotta be tired. You just flew in this morning..." I said concerned.

"I'm fine, Abby. I just needed to blow off some steam, okay?" Liv answered shortly.

"Listen we're mostly done here, why don't you come over to my house and we can relax for a while?" I suggested.

I figured if she went to my place, I could get her to talk or at least take a nap. Liv isn't human if she's hungry or tired, it was actually really fucking scary. What could possibly be bugging her? I just talked to her before she flew home and she didn't say anything.

"Nah, I can't I have a ton of stuff to do before dinner tonight..." she replied.

She's avoiding me. What happen?

"I gotta go. You guys sound amazing! I'll stop by next rehearsal. I wanna hear an entire run of the set," Liv announced to everyone.

"Love you! Bye!" she gave me a kiss on the cheek, winked at me, and walked out the door.

I picked up my phone and went on twitter, maybe something happened and I didn't know. So shameful that any news or celeb gossip is quickly found out through 140 characters or less on Twitter.

I barely got through my news feed before I saw the headlines "Lucas Gaines spotted with supermodel Ashley Graham" I clicked open the link and saw the pictures, they were holding hands. He had a smug look on his face. Ugh that asshole. I know she broke up with him and ended the engagement and it's been nine months but still. Explains the "steam" Liv needed to blow off at the gym.

I read the article for any more details, "a source close to the singer says the two have been dating for a couple months now and are really happy, but taking things slow." YEAH. OKAY. UGH! HE FUCKING SUCKS! I kept reading, "the singer has been hinting on his Instagram about his new single 'I Bet'" PUBLICITY STUNT MUCH? "...this is the first the singer has been seen with someone since his break-up with former fiance, Olivia Riviera. The two ended their nearly 10-year relationship last winter."

"Abby, we're ready to run the last song, we only have 30 more minutes left in the space..." Jax interrupted.

"Oh right, okay..." I said.

"Everything alright?" asked Jax.

" will be when I get outta here and talk to Olivia." I replied.

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