Chapter 46 - Olivia

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I can't believe we're back from paradise, that week off didn't feel quite long enough. But I am about 15 shades darker, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take anything on! Almost everything, I still haven't faced the reality of my wrist injury. I have a couple therapy sessions lined up now that I'm back home and will be here for a while.

"Do you want me to drive you? I can wait in the car during your session, I'm sure I can find something to do..." Abby has kind of been hovering since I told her about my wrist thing. Not that I don't love how attentive she's being, I just...I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel in this situation.

I lied and I didn't tell Abby that I called Lucas right after my appointment and I honestly feel like I need to be strong for her even though this is about my wrist...I told her I was strong enough to take all the bad. I just really don't know...

"I'm okay, munch, really. But if it will make you feel better you can come," I tell her as she sits herself onto my lap.

Abby wears her emotions on her sleeve, I can see instantly just from the curvature of her lips when she's upset or sad or when she's happy. I know she'll feel more at ease coming with me.

We pull up to my therapist's office, it's a brown brick building that you know before even going in it's some sort of medical building. "Come inside, you don't have to wait in the car," I squeeze Abby's thigh.

"No, the weather is nice, I can roll down the windows and I have scripts I need to read and memorize for my auditions coming up," my girl says, flashing me a warm smile.

"You can do that inside too," I press.

"Babe, it's fine. Go in you'll be late."

"Hi Olivia, long time no see! Wish you would have at least called so I wouldn't have to read up on crap entertainment news to see how you're doing," Candice, my therapist says. She's young with long brown hair and glasses. She has a soft and understanding voice and just the type of person you want to open up to.

"I know, I'm sorry! I got swamped then things got really good. They're still really good. Sort of."

"Alright, so you want to catch me up or should we cut straight to the point? It's up to you, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling like...catching you up...because I kind of want to stall, to be frank."

Candice nods and scribbles something down in her notes, I've been doing this with Candice long enough to know her little notes shouldn't worry me.

"Where do you want to start? Where we left off? Before tour? Before you left to film your show in New Orleans?"

"Abby doesn't have her stupid beard anymore...that was rude, he wasn't stupid just the whole situation was stupid and torture for me, I don't actually know what came over Abby that made her decide she was done hiding, either way she did and I'm glad she did. It was a year of emotional torture and mental games but it was worth it," I nod because it definitely worth it.

"She gave me an ultimatum so to was something I needed and something my relationship with Lucas could have used. It was either marry my work or have someone in my life to marry. I realized I've missed so much already because I was so consumed and obsessed with working and juggling multiple things at once. I was obsessed with making sure every move I made was a crack at the glass ceiling."

"I remember..." Candice nods.

"I'm still working at balancing everything...I'm taking a break right now because I don't really know what I want to do I want to do another show while waiting for my TV show with Abby to get picked up? Do I wanna do a movie? Should I try for another album? Do I want to start a band with my Juilliard friends?" I say throwing my head back because I really don't know what I want to do next.

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