Chapter 4 - Olivia

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Angie and I have been working non-stop. I dished out an album and I'm about to go on tour. I've basically thrown myself into my work. My career is on fire! The world seems to be over my break up with Lucas and are all about the new album because they think I'll spill all the intimate details of our relationship in my album. Because our dual break up album didn't already do that. Neither of us did press or even promote the album, we just dropped it and let it do its thing.

That five song EP was more for the two of us, a final therapy session. That album is the reason we both came to terms about ending our relationship — that despite how much we love and care about one another, we knew it was over.

"52 cities! How are we going to pack for 52 cities? And by 'we' I really mean, me because you're absolutely useless when it comes to packing...not that you're even listening to me right now, Liv." Angie said annoyed.

Angie is my second brain, my #1! She's the best assistant I've ever had, but she's also my best friend. She takes care of everything for me. I'd go crazy if I didn't have her. We've been working together for about three years and our working relationship/friendship is insane, but in the best possible way.

"It's just tour and it's not like we're going to be gone the entire time! We broke the tour up into three different legs. It's fine! Plus, it's impossible for me to pack because I know I'm just going to end up shopping or whatever. Just pack me underwear and pajamas. I'll be fine." I teased.


"Is that mine or yours?" asked Angie.

"Its mine, its Abby!" I said excited.

"Hey munch! What's up?" I asked happily.

I call Abby "munch" because she's a teeny tiny little munchkin that packs a mean punch and has way more talent that tiny little body can hold.

"Hey! Nothing..I'm just waiting for them to reset the lighting for this scene. What's for dinner later?" asked Abby.

"Uhhh I don't know yet, I might just get take out, I'm too busy packing and stuff to make anything. Why? Should I order your usual?" I replied.

"Tofu pad thai for me please! I'm wrapped at six o'clock, so i'll be there around seven. Okay, I gotta go. See you later. Love you! Bye!" Abby hung up.

"Abby should just move in, she's here so often!" Angie joked.

"Hahah yeah, I know, I love it though. This house is too big for just me and you. Especially since Lee moved to New York with Jonathan," I replied sadly.

Lee is my brother from another mother, literally. I met Lee when I was living in New York and going to school. We've been inseparable ever since. His family is traditional. Super traditional. I haven't met any filipinos like his parents. They kicked him out when he was 17 for being gay and pursuing a career as a make-up artist. My parents instantly fell in love with him -- most people do, and they adopted him. My parents wanted to show Lee that someone who was gay and in the field that he was in, could be loved and have a loving family.

"Speaking of Lee," Angie started to say. "How is it going to work out with him and Jonathan while Lee is on tour with us for months?" she asked.

"Well, Jon is doing a show right now so it's not like he can leave and Lee and I arranged that he would only be with me for one maybe two legs of the tour. He wants to do all three but I told him that his relationship is more important than his need to protect me and take care of me," I replied.

"So, he's still a little upset about the 'London thing,'" said Angie.

The "London thing" thats what we call me running away after the break-up. Shann coined that phrase.

"A little, he's my brother and my best friend. He blames himself for not protecting me and letting me go crazy by myself or whatever," I shrugged.


"Peaches!?!" Shann shouted.

"What!?!?!" I shouted from upstairs.

"What's for dinner? I'm starving!" she shouted.

I could hear cabinets opening and closings and the fridge and freezer slamming shut.

"Ugh. What is this a restaurant?" I said to Angie.


"Pad see ew and tom kha for me, Angie," Shann placed her order with Angie.

"What time is Abby and the food gonna get here? Do you have anything for me to eat now?" Shann pressed.

"OMG! Relax go get some snacks downstairs, you're so annoying when you're hungry." I told Shann.

I'm really lucky that the most important people in my life all get along. I've known them both for years. I met Abby a fan first. Lee and I went to go see her in one of her musicals and instantly fell in love! We were her biggest fans! She claims she doesn't remember when we waited for her outside the stage door for her autograph and a picture but we have pictures to prove it.

"How long are you going to be gone for tour again like how many weeks, Liv?" Abbyasked.

"Not weeks...months..." mumbled Angie.

"MONTHS!?" Abby said, surprised.

".....yeah...but I'll be back in LA two or three times in between and New York for work stuff and breaks between legs of the tour," I said cautiously to my Abby.

"What the fuck, peaches...MONTHS?!" Shann said upset.

"You guys have known about this tour for so fucking long and what did you expect from a WORLD tour?!" I said frustrated.

We silently ate our dinner.

"Munch why don't you come on tour with me? You don't have to come the entire time if you don't want. You can even open for a couple of cities! It'd be perfect since you just released your album a few months ago!" I suggested excitedly.

"You mean go on tour with you with my album? Can we do that?" Abby replied. "Munch, it's my tour, I can do whatever I want and I can have whoever I want open," I said overly confident.

"Let's do it!" Abby said slamming her hands on the table.

" you guys are just not gonna invite me...." said Shann.

We all laughed.

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