Chapter 30 - Olivia

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A/N: I've decided to really lengthen my chapters from now on just to shorten the number of actual chapters this may end up being because we're already on chapter 30 and I still have so much planned for these two. So expect much longer chapters moving forward.


"I don't know just slipped! It was those rapid fire questions! I rapidly fired the answers to the questions...ugh. How fucked are we, Calvin?"

"Just give it some time. Let me see if my team and I can spin the story or if we even need to spin the story at all. Until then, don't say or do anything regarding the interview. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay, bye. Thanks."

I hang up the phone and groan slamming my head down on the table in my hotel room. Ouch. I sit up and FaceTime the girl I just told the world I was in a relationship with...sort of.

"Just watch the video and get back to me. I gotta go I have a meeting with the dean I need to get to. Love you, bye!"

I hung up the phone and slammed my head on my arm on the table again.

"UGGGGHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA," my groan turned into a laugh all of a sudden things were hilarious because what are the odds that I'd be the one to let things slip about us.

"It's not funny, Liv," Angie tries to hold back her giggles but joins me anyways.

"It is! It's fucking hilarious because it just came out hahahaha!"

"Oh man, we gotta go if you're going to make it your meeting with the dean. Are you nervous?"

We walk and talk as we exit the hotel room and get in the car.

"Yeah, because if they can't help me with this adjustment with my scheduling then I either give up my spot in the program or I give up the TV show with Abby and I end up here in New York for two years..."

"It's like you're always stuck between a rock and a hard place, huh? They'll give you the adjustment, you going back to school -- to their program is great press for them. They'll do it. I know they will."


"Ms. Riviera, welcome back to your alma mater. We are very pleased to have you back! Dr. Porter never stops talking about you, you know that? You and those other three band of friends from a few years ago. I have to say, of all our students, all of which I am equally proud of, but you, young lady are someone we are all very, very, very proud of."

The dean reminded me a lot of President Snow from The Hunger Games, what's that actor's name...Donald Sutherland! That's who he reminds me of, he is almost as intimidating as President Snow as well. He's so esteemed...I'm afraid to speak and I feel like if I do speak it should be something intelligent not my usual "uhhhhh duhhh."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate that so much. This school is my home. There isn't anywhere else I'd rather be to learn and grow as a musician."

"Good, that's lovely to hear. So, what's this Dr. Porter tells me about a scheduling conflict and that I should allow you whatever you need because you won't let us down or how you will only prove us wrong and most of all how it would be a disservice to you and apparently the program if we didn't make any adjustments. Now, I don't normally take well to other people pushing their agenda onto me, but Dr. Porter and I have been friends since when we were younger than you are, my dear. So, I believe him when he says I should agree to the adjustments you require. It's not going to be easy, especially once the rest of your cohort discovers these adjustments and the orchestras will not see you in the same light as the rest of the students because of your already established career. Brace yourself, Ms. Riviera. But also use the struggles you are undoubtedly going to face as fuel to keep you going to prove us all wrong and to become the best musician you can be."

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